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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 18

"What happened?" the Latina one asked. She was the more sober one. I sighed and craned my neck to look at her face before looking back to them.

"This idiot spiked her drink. He was about to take advantage of her, but I go there in time. I'm going to go ahead and take her home. Can I have her stuff?" I asked.

"What happened?" I heard Trevor's voice from behind me. I sighed and told him what I just told her friends. He nodded. "I'll show you were she lives," he said, taking her stuff from her friends.

"Thank you... for taking care of her," her red-headed friend slurred. I think her name was Stacy or something. Trevor grabbed Gregg and told the others what was happening. We walked out into the crisp fall night and to the truck. I put Caroline in the backseat and slid in beside her as Trevor drove. Gregg sat in the passenger seat. When we pulled up to her house, I took a second to look at the place where my mate lived. I cradled her in my arms again as we headed towards the door. Trevor found her house key in her purse thing and opened the door. I took her upstairs and opened the first door I saw. I sighed and realized that I got the right room. It was simple yet, it fit her. Trevor put her purse thing on her vanity and even plugged her phone into her charger next to her bed. I laid her down before I rummaged through her drawers. I finally found a pair of Captain America lounge pants and a big tee-shirt. I slipped the pants on her and undid her dress. I paused before taking it off. I noticed a long scar running on her abdomen on her right side. There were scars all over her stomach actually; little ones, but the one on her right side was long and looked like it was deep also. My heart squeezed for her. Whatever happened, she didn't deserve the pain that those scars must have brought. I quickly slipped on her shirt before tucking her in her bed. I held her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles briefly before I pushed her hair out of her face. I left a long lingering kiss on her forehead. She stirred gently and grabbed her extra pillow, hugging it close.

"Keegan," she muttered softly. It was barely a whisper, but my heightened hearing picked it up anyway. I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face.

"Hey, I think her brother is pulling up," Trevor alerted me. I sighed and nodded.

"Go wait in the car, I'll let him know what happened," I instructed. Trevor nodded before he disappeared. I turned off the light and closed the door to her room before I made my way downstairs. I hit the bottom step just as the front door opened. My eyes widened slightly. It was the same guy I saw with her at her volleyball game... only he was wearing a cop uniform.

"Who the hell are you?!" he yelled at me. I shushed him and looked up the stairs.


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