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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 19

(Caroline's POV)

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was my pounding head. It hurt like hell. I grumbled and opened one eye at a time to adjust to the sudden brightness coming in through my window. I sighed in relief when my eyes landed on a bottle of painkillers and water on my nightstand. I cautiously sat up and held my head for a second before I took them gratefully. God bless whoever put this here. Wait, how did I get home last night? The last thing I remember was dancing with this random guy. He handed me a drink and...

Oh no.

I checked my body and moved my hips slightly to see if I was sore. I sighed in relief. So I guess nothing terrible happened last night. So what did happen? After the painkillers numbed my headache, I threw the covers off of me to see that I was in my pajamas. Mariana and Stacy must have brought me home last night. I walked to the bathroom across the hall just as it was opening. My eyes widened at who was on the other side, standing with a towel wrapped around his waist. I only gaped at him. Keegan had a nice, no, great,no, godly body. I could tell that much even with a shirt on. His chest was deeply defined with sharp cuts outlining his incredible muscles. He had a freaking 8-pack. His sides rippled like a house made of bricks all the way to the boarder of his abs. He had a deep v-line that disappeared into the towel. His arms were ripped also with his veins raising the skin over them. He didn't have hair on his stomach or chest at all. He was Adonis in the flesh. My cheeks turned bright red as I realized that he just watched me check him out.

"I-I... what are you doing in my house?" I asked him confused. He only shrugged and walked into the guest room. I followed him. He was facing the bed with his hand on the towel. His back was to me.


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