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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 23

(Caroline's POV)

I pulled my tight short sleeve shirt on before I exited the bathroom stall. I always changed in the stall because of my scars. No one knew about them or saw them except Danny, Mariana, and Stacy and I wanted to keep it that way. I weaved my way through the other girls, who were also changing, and to my locker. I pulled my knee pads out and slipped them on before sticking my feet in my shoes. I had to steady myself again as Natasha bumped me as she passed me. I glared at her back as I heard her laughing with her friends.

"She's pathetic," I caught her saying. She glanced at me with a smirk before she exited the locker room. I puffed out a breath before I stood and stretched gently. I made sure that the ace wrap around my stomach was smooth before I walked out also. Stacy slapped my butt as I got onto the court. She smirked and laughed at my expense as I rolled my eyes at her.

We were volleying today; almost like a scrimmage. I was serving first. I tossed the ball in the air and waited until it came down a little bit before my hand smacked it across the net. I sprinted to my position on the net as the other side hit it back to us. We had a good volley going, but finally, we got a point. Natasha picked up the ball and walked to the net as I held my hands out for it. She smirked and shoved the ball into my stomach. My tender scars ached as I doubled over and tried to catch my breath. The ball fell to the floor as I held my stomach. Tears sprung to my eyes but I held them in as long as I could.

"Listen here bitch," Stacy started as she stormed under the net and into Natasha's face.

"Don't test me, Stacy," Natasha growled back. I felt Mariana's hand on my back as she led me to the bleachers. I sat gently and she rubbed my back. Stacy and Natasha were still yelling at each other.


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