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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 24

"Young man! Who are you and what are you doing with my player?!" Coach called when she noticed him.

"I'm taking her to the nurse," he said over his shoulder as he continued walking. I groaned softly as I let my head rest on his shoulder. True to his word, he took my all the way to the nurse. The nurse took a look at me and motioned for Keegan to put me on the cot that was almost to Keegan's waist. I curled up on my side as the tears continued to leak out of my eyes. Keegan ran the back of his thumb along my cheek as he brushed away a tear before he stood and told the nurse what happened. Mariana must have told him. The nurse had me sit on the edge of the cot and sit up. My legs dangled over the edge. My eyes shot nervously to Keegan. He didn't know about my scars, and I didn't want him to. I didn't want him to pity me, and I didn't want to explain how I got the scars. The nurse left to get some ice. My ace wrap suddenly felt tight and restricting. I wanted to take it off, but Keegan was sitting right here.

"It's okay, Caroline. I know about the scars," he said softly. My eyes widened. How could he possibly know?

"Did Mariana tell you?" I asked. He shook his head as he stepped forward and lifted my shirt gently. I froze as he slowly unwrapped my ace bandage.

"No," he answered as his fingers brushed along my biggest and deepest scar gently. The movements made me shiver. I watched as his hand retreated and he put my shirt down. "I saw them when I brought you home from the party Friday. I put your pajamas on you. I didn't see anything. I was careful to do it in a way that wouldn't expose you, but... I caught a glimpse of them. I looked," he admitted. I was waiting on him to ask how I got the scars but he never did. He stayed quiet as his hands dropped back at his sides.

"Why are you still here?" I blurted, not being about to take the silence anymore. His hand came up and rested on my cheek as his eyes met mine.


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