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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 25

"Hey, don't say that. Every inch of you is beautiful. Your scars tell a story. I don't have to know that story yet," he said gently. I let his fingers trace my scars. Eventually, I relaxed into him. He kissed my temple before he let go all together. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before I turned to look at him.

"I-I should probably get back to practice," I stuttered quietly.

"I'm going with you... I need to have a chat with Natasha," he said with venom in his voice. We walked back to the gym to find it empty. I went to the coach's office and saw Natasha and Stacy sitting in the chairs in front of Coach. She saw me and walked out of her office, closing the door behind her.

"Is what Stacy saying true? Did Natasha shove the ball into your stomach?" she asked. I nodded slowly.

"Coach, I have... scars all over my stomach from the accident and the surgeries I had to have afterwards and it hurt me more than it would a normal person," I explained in a rush. Her eyes widened in realization.

"I'm sorry," she said knowingly. My accident wasn't a big secret. Almost everyone knew about it so she understood immediately. Her eyes went to Keegan. "And what is your roll in all of this?" she asked him. He hung his head.


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