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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45

However, Letitia shook her head in firm refusal. “I’m a woman, and honestly, I have no business eating that.”

Elgin was so frustrated he felt like smashing the plate; there was no way he was going to eat it.

He decided to take matters into his own hands, picked up the piece with his fork, and held it to Letitia’s mouth, “Open up.”

Her lips clamped shut even tighter. But then, she caught a whiff of that dish.

It was indescribable, a really foul smell, thick with a fishy odor.

That smell churned her stomach, and a wave of intense nausea surged through her.

Just as Elgin was about to force it into her mouth, Letitia suddenly stood up. Clutching her mouth, she didn’t even make

it to the restroom and bent over a trash can, starting to heave.

The sound echoed throughout the entire dining room.

Elgin frowned at her, asking. Why do you always throw up?”

Letitia was retching so violently that tears streamed down her face; leaving her no chance to answer him.

Once the wave of nausea subsided a bit and she stood up, just one glance at the food sent her back into dry heave mode.

Elgin, sitting back with his legs crossed, watched her coolly, kindly passing her a glass of water.

After rinsing her mouth, Letitia felt a little better and looked for an excuse, “I… I just don’t really like this kind of food.”

Afraid Elgin might suspect something, she quickly added, “Really, I’ve always had a light palate since I was a kid.”

Elgin turned to the butler, “Did you hear that? She can’t stand the smell, get rid of it, and tell my grandpa to stop sending. it.”


Elgin had also lost his appetite. He set down his fork and left.

Letitia cleaned her mouth and followed. If she was late, she’d miss her ride and would have to walk to work.

As soon as they left, the spy that Hawley had planted among the servants immediately went to report back.

At the Ramirez Mansion, Hawley held the phone.

“What? You’re telling me Letitia was retching this morning?”

“Yes, sir, saw it with my own eyes.”

“Is it the first time, or has it happened often?”

The servant replied, “From the conversation, it seems that Mrs. Ramirez has retched several times recently.”

“That’s odd… Hawley mused, “Only pregnant women have morning sickness like that.”

“Sir, do you think Mrs. Ramirez could be… pregnant?”

“It’s possible!” Hawley slapped his thigh, his eyes lighting up with joy, “My chance to have a great-grandchild might be coming soon! Alright, alright, I need to rush Elgin to take her for a check-up at the hospital!”

Phedra, listening nearby, couldn’t help but say, “They’ve only been married for a short time, it can’t be that quick, Hawley” “Elgin is young and full of vigor, why can’t it happen quickly?”

Phedra was shut down and couldn’t say anything more, but she thought it was impossible.

Although the soup had been stopped now, she had been sending it every day before, and Elgin did have some.

Chapter 45

Her medicine was not without effect, it was meant to ensure Elgin… would be infertile.

So Phedra didn’t believe for a second that Letitia could be pregnant. But Hawley, in high spirits, v


In the CEO’s office.

“Pregnant?” Elgin frowned deeply, “Grandpa, I think you’re just too eager for a grandchild.”

He hadn’t even touched Letitia, so how could she get pregnant?

already calling

“Elgin, you have to trust my judgment. Hawley replied, “It was the same with your mother when she was pregnant with you, and your grandmother too, exactly the same.”


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