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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Letitia could only admit, “Yeah, you’re right.”

“You were hell-bent on not donating blood because you wanted to protect the kid!”


Each of her admissions was like pouring fuel on Elgin’s blazing anger.

“You think I don’t have the guts to kill you? Letitia, don’t flatter yourself too much!”

Letitia looked up defiantly, “I’ve never thought that. Come on, Elgin, do it, kill me now.”

She closed her eyes. Letitia knew that once the child was discovered, her days were numbered.

Elgin simply could not stand any trace of betrayal that’s just who he is!

“Bravo, you’re really something.” Elgin’s grip tightened, “Do you really think I want to keep you around to torment you day and night and that’s why I can’t bear to finish you off?”

The air was slowly being squeezed from Letitia’s lungs, and her breathing was getting rough.

Her brain was gradually starving for oxygen, and at this rate, she wouldn’t last another twenty seconds.

She was going to die at Elgin’s hands.

Just when Letitia thought this was the end of the line for her, Elgin suddenly let go.

A rush of air flooded in, and she coughed violently, her whole chest numb with pain.

“No, Letitia, you shouldn’t die like this, Elgin’s voice seemed to come from the depths of hell, “You should see with your own eyes how the child you’re so desperate to protect will leave your body.”

Her eyes widened in shock.

“Five weeks, probably not fully formed yet, just a tiny embryo.”

“Elgin…” Letitia’s voice trembled. This was too cruel!

“It’s okay.” Elgin smirked, “Even if it’s just a tiny embryo, I’ll make sure the doctor takes it out intact, so you can get a good look at what this bastard… looks like!”

Turns out he wasn’t going soft at all but was planning the most horrifying way to punish her.

“Just kill me, Elgin, do it now!”

“First, I’ll snuff out the child, then it’s your turn!”

His aura of malice was about to completely devour her.

Letitia couldn’t stomach the imagery… the small life being ripped from her womb, with her having to witness the ordeal. It was worse than death.

The car had stopped in Ivory Towers at some point.

The driver had left the car, not daring to make a sound.

Inside the car, the atmosphere was heavy.

Outside, the lights blazed bright, but no one dared to approach the vehicle.

“Letitia, who’s the father, Elgin straightened up, his expression chilling.

Letitia just shook her head.

“Not talking? Don’t want to spill? He sneered, “It’s Walden’s, Isn’t it?”

Letita denied it. “It’s not! It’s not his!”

The more you deny it, the more it proves the child is his.”

Chapter 46


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