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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81

*Celebratory banquets and dinner party, Letitia, your life sure got better since Vidonia joined the company.”

She was always leaving all alone to endure the endless nights. Oddly enough, solitude now seemed to echo with loneliness for


Letitia was about to reply when something struck her, “I remember Mr. Stewart said you got hurt. Where’s the wound?”

You actually bought that?”

“Are you guys messing with me? Letitia frowned, “And here I was, actually worried about you for a second.”

Eigin stepped closer, cornering her, “Hearing I was hurt, and you just worried ‘for a second”? Don’t you have other reactions?”

Letitia began to retreat step by step. I you…. you… Eventually, she was backed against the wall.

Elgin raised his hand, resting it near her ear, “What if I really was hurt? Would you still be so indifferent?”

His breath fanned her face.

Letitia turned her head away, “Elgin, there’s a line of people caring about you stretching all the way to the suburbs. One more or one less doesn’t make a difference.”

“But you’re my wife!”

“The one you want to marry is Shela, it’s never been me.”

He pinched her chin, “For now, at least, it’s you. You should care!”

Letitia just found him inexplicably absurd.

“If you want care, go find Shela. She’s delicate, coquettish, pampering you, always pleasing you isn’t she way better than me?”

“Yes,” Elgin answered, “Letitia, any woman is better than you! Any woman is more considerate!”

They all just want to cozy up to him, get close to him, win his favor. Only Letitia, never obeyed him!

Letitia looked into his eyes, saying in a calm tone, “I came home late. Are you sure you want to pick a fight over something so trivial?

Living every day under Elgin’s scrutiny was exhausting enough for her. And there were always those who wanted to harm her, give her a hard time, add to her troubles…

Whether it’s Phedra or Shela, they were all scheming to do her in!

“…I don’t want to argue. Elgin’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed attempting to hold back his turmoil of emotions. Samson’s test had struck his heart – Letitia truly didn’t give a damn… much less have any love for him.

The moment he saw she wasn’t at the company, he checked the surveillance, searched everywhere, and when he learned Phedra had taken her to the hospital, he rushed there without a second thought, fearing something might happen to her.

And her? She hated him, wished him dead!

“Then get some rest, it’s getting late, Letitia said. I’m going to take a shower.

She made to leave but Elgin forcefully pulled her back. His eyes darker than the night sky, “Letitia, let’s make a deal.”

“…A deal?” Unease crept in, and she refused, “I don’t want to.”

“You’ll make it whether you want to or not!” Elgin’s last bit of patience had run out completely

He enunciated each word, his expression resolute and fierce, “Whatever you want, I can give it to you. You want your father freed, it’s doable. You want your mother to have the special medicine, also doable. In short, I can satisfy any of your demands.”

Eigin was acting different tonight. Letitia noticed, but couldn’t fathom his thoughts.

He had always loathed the Sanders family, and now he was loosening his grip, offering to release someone!

Letitia wasn’t a fool, she immediately asked, “What do you want from me in exchange?”

Since it’s a deal, she’d obviously have to trade something!


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