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The Accountant novel Chapter 7

Disorientation and pleasant tiredness was the first thing she felt when she woke up. Second, soreness and creamy wetness between her thighs. The activities they had indulged in all morning drained her. The man was insatiable.

Beau was glad he was nowhere to found at the moment. She needed time for herself. And she needed to think. Desperately.

Gingerly, her body moved to the edge of the bed. She had found out from their previous encounter a soothing warm bath could cure the twinge of discomfort in her genitals.

Walking on wobbly legs, with the satin blanket wrapped around her, she made it to the spacious bathroom.

Looking around her, her lips twisted in anxiety.

He must have used this backroom with his past conquests. Now, she was one of them.

To hell with it. She was going to enjoy this as much as she can.

Deep grateful moans filled the room whilst she gingerly sank in the warm water. The scent of the bath salts calmed her. She closed her eyes, content for the moment.

"That's what I want to hear night and day, detka." Came his deep sensual voice.

She cursed. So much for peace and quiet. He came to invade her personal space.

Her gaze found his tempting form at the close door. His gray-green eyes gleamed with heated interest.

"Nope. Not happening again, Dominic. I am too sore and hungry. And I have to work." He chuckled darkly, sending a shiver down her spine. Damn him!

He set some shopping bags on the floor, eyes holding her, he pushed his shoulder from the frame and lazily approached her. Looking so sexy in his business suit, with a graceful walk, like a panther approaching his prey, he closed the distance between them.

She drew in a sharp breath, barely breathing, she watched, mesmerized by his rough fingers tracing the top of her slick breasts.

"Beautiful," he murmured. "But we will continue tonight. I have to feed, my baby. I will wait in my office, angel." Dominic bussed her forehead, bowed then left her hot and bothered.

Arg! Damn him. The peaceful ambiance she was routing for was lost.

She methodically washed her body, pissed at the goosebumps on her skin. This can not happen all the time. One look, one touch from him and her body come alive.

To give him that much power over her was foolish.

Drying her body on a fluffy warm towel, she glanced around the elegant bathroom, her eyes fell on the elegant bags on the bathroom floor. Her pride pricked.

What the hell!?

So, he thought that fucking her several times, which made her his newest plaything, he was obligated to shower her with expensive gifts?

Beau was aghast and fuming.

She admitted she was irrevocably attracted to him and she was looking forward to an affair, however, it will be on her own terms. Not his. She will be the one to walk away when it was over and not him.

His gifts were a one-time thing only since she does not have anything else to wear and she was not about to cut her nose to spite her face. The next time he dangled his riches in front of her, she will shove it where the sun does not shine.

See if she doesn't!

Jesus! A top and skirt for $3000? And a pair of Manolo Blahnik's? She thought in disgust. Though she has a footwear collection, she brought them herself. She bought expensive stuff but she never went overboard.

Beau continued to ramage through the bags when it finally dawned on her. Where the hell were the undies? It was a good thing the top has cups sewn on them or her pair of beauties will be visible from the fine muslin silver cloth. She cursed Dominic's perverted tendencies.

Cursing perverts and assholes under her breath, she began to dress. Her stomach grumbled which reminding her she skipped lunch. Again, his fault.

She was resigned to face him and be done with it then start working. That was the main reason she was here.

She found her obsession. His head bent over some documents, signing whatever it was in front of him. She cleared her throat.

The way it affected and distracted her upon gaining his undivided attention and the way he looked at her was damning. Her mouth dried and she was at a loss for words.

In an instant, he was beside her. He led her to the conference table filled with food. Shit! Her tummy rumbled.

Instead of letting her occupy the sit to his left, he sat her on his lap. She squirmed. This was no good.

"Detka, sit still. I want to feed you. I won't be able to do it if you grind on my cock," his hot breath tickled her nape. She gritted her teeth to stop her reaction.

"I was not trying to grind on you, Dominic. I was trying to get up." She hissed. He chuckled. Why was he amused by her anger?

She rolled her eyes. Whatever. She will be gone in a few hours.

"Open your mouth, moya Lyubov." Damn him and his Russian tongue.

She opened her mouth and he fed her a piece of delicious steak, steamed vegetables, and mashed potatoes. He made sure she tasted a little bit of everything at the table until she couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm full." He hummed. Then kiss her forehead, showing his contentment at her state. "You didn't eat." She accused him.

"I ate while you were sleeping. We will eat together at dinner." He announced casually. No used protesting. He will do it anyway.

"Well, thank you for the lunch, boss." Beau was mellower because she ate her fill. She couldn't help her smile at his scowl.

Leaning in to kiss him softly and thank him, he deepened it instead, leaving both of them hungry for more.


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