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The Accountant novel Chapter 8

The Enemies

The nervous tension around the room

was palpable. What had spooked the hardened criminals around him? The meeting was unexpected. He was with his latest bitch when the boss called him in. Apparently, it was a pressing issue that has to be dealt with tonight.

Sometimes, the boss can be overdramatic. He decided to humor him though. From what he had observed, he had made a sound decision.

He watched their leader pace back and forth, cold sweat streamed down his face.

"What the fuck happened?" Bald man at the front asked.

The man stopped pacing and turned to them. His face was taut and he was pale.

"Our source from the inside informed me that Vasiliy hired the accountant." He announced gravely. So, that was what made him nervous and everyone else in the room. Including yours truly. Fuck!

Damn that Russian butcher! Dominic Vasiliy took over the mafia world by storm. A mantle he donned from his equally brute of a father. Everyone feared him and his general. Leaders bowed to him. He was untouchable.

"You mean the accountant the Marcelinos use?" another asked. Deflecting his thoughts. Hoping that was not the case or they will all be dead in the most gruesome manner. That was an inevitable guarantee.

"Can you think of other accountants that the cartels and mafias used?" Bald man answered the dumb question.

"Yes. The accountant. We have to plan for the worst. We all know how accurate that bastard is." The leader continued to pace, thinking of a solution.

Well, he can only think of one. Hope it will not bite him back in the ass.

"Hire, Antoine. He will take care of it. We have the money." He suggested. All of the men nodded in agreement. It was the only way.

"Do you know where this accountant lives?" A man in the corner asked. Joining the conversation for the first time.

He nodded.

Though he suggested it. His immediate plan was to hightail it out of San Francisco as soon as possible.

"I will get that from my source tonight. The accountant will be dead by tomorrow evening." Yeah, right. He doesn't believe their fucking self proclaimed leader anymore. He has turned greedy. It was the main reason why they were facing this difficult situation. They had known all along yet they took the risk. And now, it was time to pay. But not him. He will be moving to a third world country within 24 hours.

No one stole from the Vasiliy's and lived to tell about it.

And the accountant has served the underworld well. They will be stepping on a lot of toes if the leaders found him dead. And if they find out it was them, especially the tzar... He shuddered.

The Russian Butcher was nothing but ruthlessly shrewd. He does not want to be a dead meat in 'Cisco. He will be packing his bags tonight.



Gray-green depths traced the delicate features of the precious cargo sprawled in his arms. The endless bouts of lovemaking earlier this morning and three hours slavering over the financial reports have taken a toll on her. My poor detka.

She never woke up from her deep slumber. He carried her from the office down to the underground parking garage. He happily paraded her slight delectable form in his arms, leaving everyone gawking in his wake.

Her soft snores filled the dim confines of his Rolls Royce Phantom Limo, a closed panel separated them from his driver, Dmitry.

The scenery and his detka in his arms soothed him. It has been a while since he felt like this. Content and happy.

It will take at least an hour to arrive at their destination. They were going home. To her address on file.

It was a strategic decision for him. She wouldn't be able to escape him if they sleep in her bed. And he wouldn't let her kick him out either. He smirked. Dominic congratulated himself.

He was aware several black SUVs were following them. Alec and his men. He had to be always careful at all times, especially with his woman asleep in their car.

Exhaustion has also taken over. Almost a first. He was usually so restless to sleep. Let alone lower his guard. But tonight... He glanced down fondly once more. He will doze and should be refreshed when they get there. Another great idea. It will give his balls time to recuperate.

With the warm weight in slumber on his lap, he fell in a restful nap.


Five firm raps on the car door woke him. He looked down, his woman was still asleep. She had not even stirred.

His agile body got out of the confines of the backseat with her secured in his embrace. He paused to look around him. Not a neighbor on site. She lived in a tiny cottage with a well-manicured lawn three miles from the outskirts of the city. Fuck! She was all alone living in the almost deserted place without protection. His jaw ticked at the thought of her in danger.

They will have a long talk, among other things, when she woke up. She stirred in his arms, he leaned to kiss her temple, she hummed then went back to sleep.

Dominic walked to the front of the cottage. The door opened with Alec's picking expertise. He went straight to the only door he could see at the end of the narrow hallway.

It was open. The bedroom was small but it will do.

His lips twitched, admiring her bed, at least it was big enough to fit the two of them. He laid her on top of the covers, she clung to him, whining her protests.

"Shhhh...I won't go anywhere, moya lyubov. Let me strip and I'll join you in a minute." He soothed her and nuzzled her fragrant hair. She sighed in happiness and went back to sleep.

"Hmmm, Dom..."Beau mumbled.

His lips curve gently. She looked so innocently adorable. He shrugged out of his coat, unbutton his cuffs then paused....shit! His men.

He found Alec eating a lemon meringue pie at the kitchen. His general grinned at him. He narrowed his eyes despite his good mood.

"Your take out is in the fridge, tzar."Alec pointed and preceded to devour his pie.

Dominic nodded. His eyes roamed the cottage's small interior.

The living room that connected with the kitchen was squeaky clean. Not a speck of dust. Earthy and delicate colors adorned the place. From what he observed, his woman loved shades of red. The information was something to file for future reference, for the interior designer of their new home.

With regards to that, "Have you found a suitable estate?" He queried. His attention back to Alec.

"Of course, my friend. The complete layout is at your desk. The market price though..." He halted, noticing the mafia leader's raised hand.

"Doesn't matter. Have the interior designer incorporate shades of red in the master suite. Does it have neighboring properties?" Alec nodded. Mouth full. "Buy them too, for yourself and our men. I want all the corners of the land secured."

The jovial general saluted while gulping a glass of water. "This is really it, huh?"

"Yes, my friend. This is it." Dominic answered. Surprised he was really ready to lose his bachelorhood. He had never been more serious in his life.

"I'm glad. I call dibs on your first child. Damn! My first godchild. I will teach him all the weapons in the world." His friend almost rubbed his hands in anticipation.

His detka will have his head for that.

"It could be a girl." Beau's stunning beauty came to mind. "Nope. It should be all boys."

Alec chuckled. "Anything you need before I go, tzar?"

"Yeah, bring groceries for breakfast. You and the men can stay at the nearest hotel. I will let you know if I need anything. Now, off you go." Dominic shooed him away. Irritated. He wanted to go back to bed, where a warm, inviting and addictive delight was waiting for him.

The general bowed with a knowing smile and a shit-eating grin before he exited the cottage.

Dominic can hear him give out orders in their mother tongue. Moments later cars pulled out from the property. Ever thoughtful, he left him a Glock on the counter. Always the cautious one, his general.

He knew his men had scouted the entire one-mile radius looking for possible threats before they left him. They were that efficient.

Needing to quench his thirst, he drank a bottle of cold water thoughtfully. Maybe he should wake her up for dinner? He shook his head and dismissed the idea. Nah, she might find an excuse to kick him out.


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