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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7234

At that very moment, a tremendous amount of Waltraud Power rushed down the passage of light. It shattered the passage almost instantly and flowed into the Great Historial Land and all other realms.

In a flash, immense amounts of Waltraud Power filled up all these spaces.

The frightened living beings were pleasantly surprised by the sudden change of events. Most of them quickly assumed a seated position.

These people noticed their cultivation improved as they were surrounded by the Waltraud Power. Even their souls were gradually elevated to the next levels.

The same thing happened in the Great Historial Land.

Almost everyone had closed their eyes and sat with their legs crossed. They seemed elated as they could detect the enhancement in their powers and cultivation.

There was one person who was an exception. It was Stephen.

Stephen did not experience any enhancements since he was enveloped in his Hongrome Aura and was not in contact with the Waltraud Power.

“What… What is going on?” Stephen stuttered, “Master, is it you? Why canʼt I move?”

“This isnʼt your masterʼs doing. Come with me.”

A beam of purplish-gold light came from behind Stephen. The light transformed into a beautiful lady, who stood before Stephen.

“Ms. Taishi!” Stephen exclaimed, “Why are you…”

Taishi responded, “Thereʼs no time to explain. A huge crisis is about to befall the Haleth Realm.

“You and I must fuse to be able to penetrate the Waltraud Light. Letʼs get out of here first.”

Taishi transformed into a cloud of black and white gases. Then, the gases fused with Stephenʼs Hongrome Aura.

Chapter 7234 1

Chapter 7234 2


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