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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7235

An elegant middle-aged woman from the group sighed at the sight before them. “Winnie, Xainte, Jacopo, and Noel, are you all alright?”

Beside her, four young men and women, who had the Spiritual Providence Light Shield hovering above their heads, looked at each other briefly and shook their heads.

Those four were none other than Jamesʼ children who were now full-fledged adults.

The middle-aged woman took in their surroundings.

“It didnʼt happen just in the Tai Chi World and other realms. Even the Wohrdaemon Tower and the Great Historial Land are filled with the Waltraud Power.”

Winnie had a grim expression. “If this carried on, the Spiritual Providence that my father left behind would be completely depleted.

“All realms will no longer be bound by my father’s teachings and disciplines as well.”

“What is this? How is it so powerful?” A deep frown drew Jacopoʼs brows together.

“Could it be that Dad had wreaked havoc in Zymurgy and incurred the supreme beingsʼ wrath?”

“I canʼt stand it for much longer.” Xainteʼs face grew pale. “Can we go somewhere thatʼs not invaded by the Waltraud Power?”

The others started looking in different directions to search for a place like that.

Truett called out to them at that moment, “The Forbidden Bloodshade! It should be free of this Waltraud Power.”

Those five people turned their heads and looked in Truettʼs direction.

Meanwhile, Truett shouted to the others near him, “Mom! Dad! Everyone, wake up! Letʼs go to the Forbidden Bloodshade.”

Chapter 7235 1

Chapter 7235 2


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