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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 22

Nyx's pov.


I met his gaze stunned as I tried to process what he had just said. He looked at me and his eyes seemed as if they were searching mine for an answer.

"Wh..a..t?" I stammered.

"You heard me right Nyx." He brought his hand up running his thumb on my jaw softly as his gaze pierced me and I almost melted in that simple yet seductive touch, "I want to feel your lips on mine."

ooo daddy! Hera panted in my head and I almost chuckled.

so you suddenly back to life now? I asked her, what do I do? You heard what he said right? He wants to kiss me.

Are you asking me what you should do? I could sense that she did an eye roll, Girl place your lips on him and fulfill your wish at breakfast!

I blushed at her words wondering how she knew what I was thinking earlier that morning.

"Are you going to say something? Hmm." He slid his thumb across my lower lip now and I shivered at the sparks, my lips parting in ecstasy.

"Why do you want to kiss me?" I asked suddenly remembering that he hated me and wanted nothing, absolutely nothing to do with me.

"Cause we are mates…" He said withdrawing his hands and they fell back to his sides. I nearly groaned at the loss of his touch.

"But you want nothing to do with me." I reminded him, "You clearly said that we can never be a thing."

"That doesn't mean I cannot kiss you." He smirked at me, "I know you want to accept my offer Nyx, I noticed the way you reacted to my touch."

I blushed again feeling really embarrassed that he could read me like an open book.

"Is this the only way to free Andros?" I asked, "Me kissing you, is that the only way?"

"Yes." He said stepping closer to me again, "You grant me one kiss and your lover boy is free."

"Isn't there any other option?" I badly wanted to kiss him, take up on his offer and savour the taste of his lips. I wanted to know what his lips felt like, tasted like. I wanted to know If he was going to be harsh like all other men that had forced me or he was going to kiss me with passion.

"I see you aren't ready to have your dear Andros freed…" Annoyance flashed in his eyes and he turned to leave.

you better get him back here girl! Hera growled at me.

"Wait!" I called as he reached the door. He stopped and turned around with that smug look on his face.

"What is it you want?" He asked.

"You can't kiss me and still go about with other girls." I huffed.

"Are you going to take up my offer of kissing me or not?!" He gritted ignoring my statement like I hadn't made mention of him going about with other girls.

"No!" I said and he looked at me astonished that had given him an adverse reply.

He glared at me and walked up to me angrily as if he couldn't believe that I was suddenly bold enough not to do as he wished.

I too wondered how I had become bold at the moment.

A million horrible thoughts of him laying blows on me flashed through my mind as he reached me.


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