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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 8

I wish I had immediate answers to the questions bugging me as I laid there thinking about my situation.

I am sorry Hera, I whispered.

What for? She asked.

I am sorry that you are stuck with a pathetic human like me who no one wants, I sniffed, you deserve better.

Shut up Nyx,* She said and I could tell that she rolled her eyes, I love that you are my human and you are much more than you think, go to sleep please, we need the strength for later as they might decide to torture us.

I nodded at her words and decided to close my eyes hoping to slip into  Slumber's embrace.


               I was awoken by a noise and I sat up to see a figure standing I  front of the cell with a plate In one hand and a bottle of water in the other. The light streaming from the window indicated that it was already dawn.

"Well, are you just going to sit there looking like a lost fool?" The person before my cell said highly irritated, "Come get this thing out of my hands, I have got other things to do than to serve a good plate to a rouge!" She spat and threw the bottled water into the cell. I instantly scrambled up and grabbed the plate as she slid it under the bars harshly causing sand particles to enter as the action rose dust.

"Don't know why I got to feed that stupid rouge!" I heard her mutter as she stomped away angrily causing murmur amongst the other inmates.

I took the plate up and looked at it's contents. It was meat soup and a very meaty soup at that made my stomach grumble in delight. I had never seen a more appetizing food being served to me in my entire life and it smelled heavenly too. It was filled with meat and I could hardly see the liquid in the bowl.

Amara would love this! I smiled to myself as I set aside the bowl to go wake her up. I walked to the bed and touched her lightly, she awoke with a yawn and rubbed her eyes without opening them.

"I had a very bad dream mommy that we were put in a cell and…" She stopped talking as she realised that I was never a dream and that we were actually in a cell and with that she erupted in tears.

"It's okay baby." I drew her close in a hug, "Don't cry love, it will be okay."

"Will we ever be happy?" She sobbed.

"They brought food." I said to her avoiding her question as I didn't have an answer for it.


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