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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 29

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Caleb’s Point of View


I could not help looking over at Daphne the entire ride. It is still amazing to me how much of the world she has not really seen or interacted with. Watching her gazing out the window it is almost like she is in another world. I guess for her she is in another world. There are so many things that I want to take her to do and experience that I have started a mental list.


Watching her looking at all the tress I know that I want to take her to the coast. The drive through the river gorge is breathtaking. When we are passing through La Grande I add taking her toa movie. I bet that she has never seen a big screen or seen a 3-D movie. As we get closer to home, I get a little nervous. Although things seem to be progressing with Daphne on a physical level, I still do not think that she has accepted fully that she is my mate. I do not know if she will like the house, or even if she will like my pack. I also wonder if it has dawned on her that as my mate, she will be the Luna of my pack. That worries me more than anything.


Daphne is stronger than she realizes, but she must be educated about her own people. Daphne did not grow up traditionally, so there are a few things that she must be taught, especially about mated pairs. I still have the fear that this will prove to be too much for her and that ultimately, she will reject me.


Although the Moon Goddess makes fated pairs within the werewolf community, we still have our own choice to accept our mates. I have meta rejected mate once and it was a terrible sight. The wolf never gets the full connection to their human side and it creates a war within the being. One that can ultimately rip a person’s mind apart at the seams literally. Imagining that happening to me is torture.


I slow down as we come into my town. I have a lot of pride in my pack, and with my town. We build together as a family,

and aesthetically I think it is beautiful. I am hoping that Daphne thinks so as well. Pulling in Iam pleased that she is looking out everywhere. It is a beautiful fall day, and there are pups out playing, and people working. Iam so happy to be home.


Pulling into the manor house driveway, my heart soars as Daphne calls our home beautiful. I had hoped that she would come to love it as much as! do.


Our manor house was built with enhancing the natural beauty surrounding it, while enhancing the comforts of those who reside inside.

That is how most of the town was built. Daphne seems entranced and I am loving her reaction. It puts some of my fears to rest about her rejecting me.


I take Daphne’s hand and lead her up the stairs to her new home. When we get to the top of the stairs, I set down the bags. Although we have not completed the mating ceremony, there is no chance in the world that I am going to miss carrying my mate over the threshold of our home on her first day. Daphne is still distracted looking around at the town and the rose garden. I sweep her up in my arms quickly causing her to squeal.


“Caleb what are you doing?” Daphne asks me, her eyes wide with surprise as I cradle her to my chest.


“Iam carrying you over the threshold.” I answer her grinning down at her beautiful face. She chuckles but does not try to break free of my hold. Theo has opened the door for me, and I carry my gorgeous mate into her new home, and her new life. °


I set Daphne down and retrieve our bags from outside. I ask her if she wants to tour the house first or put her things away in our room. Her eyebrows raise when I say ours, but she does not question it outright. She decides that she wants to go see the room. °


Iam a little nervous leading her upstairs, I have never shared my room with a female, and I know it could use a woman’s touch. I open the door and let her inside, she walks to the middle of the room taking it in. I watch her stare at the fireplace along the wall, a picture of my parents above the mantle, then at the four-poster bed covered in the moss green quilt. Finally, her eyes land on the French style doors that lead out onto the balcony.


“Caleb this is breathtaking, I mean your room is huge. You even have a fireplace.” Daphne's eyes are wide in wonder and I finally release the breath I did not realize I was holding. ~


“Iam glad that you like it. I want you to be comfortable here so if there is anything that you want to change, just say the word.” I want her to put little touches on the room, I want her to make this hers as well as mine. Daphne walks over to the mantle and picks up the picture of my parents. It was taken shortly after their mating ceremony. “You have your mother’s eyes.” Daphne looks up at me still holding the picture. “ What happened to them?”


“They passed when I was younger” now does not feel like the time to divulge the sad story to her.


“Iam sorry to hear that. They look like they really loved each other.” Daphne is still staring at the picture as she places it back on the mantle.


I walk over and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back into my chest. I just feel the need to touch her. “ They were very much in love. I remember my father doting on my mother, he would have stolen the moon for her if she desired it. She doted on him too. I never seen them really fight or argue. They had minor disagreements, but I remember my father always making my mother laugh in the end. Ihope that someday we will have thattoo.” I spin her around and capture her lips with mine. °

I know that I took her by surprise by spinning her so fast, but as I deepened the kiss she did not pull away. I meant the words I said to her, I hope that someday we do have the kind of relationship that my parents had. I want a home filled with love.


Eventually, Daphne wraps her arms around my neck, and she moans slightly against my mouth. Her taste is intoxicating, and I can feel my lust start to grow. Daphne starts playing with the hair at the base of my neck, wrapping her fingers through it.


I pull away slightly and kiss along her neck. Daphne presses her body into mine. “Sweetheart you have to stop doing that, or I am afraid that I will not be able to control myself much longer.” I hate to admit the truth to her, but my wolf is losing his restraint by the moment. Everything in me is begging to bite her and seal our mark, but I know that she is not ready for that. |


Daphne surprises me by instead kissing my neck. I can feel her canines lightly graze my neck and I growl. I am ready for her to mark me, but I do not think that she realizes that it will bind us together. “Daphne honey, it is taking every ounce of strength I have not to mark you this instant. If you keep kissing me, I will not be held responsible for my actions.”


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