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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 46

Chapter Forty-Six

Caleb’s Point of View

Leaving Daphne this morning was so

difficult. I woke up earlier than usual so that I could watch her sleep a few more

moments. Today is the day that we will be

formally committed to each other, in front of our friends, pack members, and community. I have waited so long for this

day and I am so excited that it is here. I

know that Daphne thinks that I saved her, but in reality, she saved me. It is

because of her that the blackness inside

me, the anger, the rage has finally

subsided. I am more focused on my pack, on leading us, and protecting us. I will spend everyday that I can showing her how grateful I am to her.

I decided that tonight will be the night I tell her how I feel. How much I love

watching her sleep, hearing her voice,

and feeling her touch. I will tell her how

she saved me from being feral. I will tell her how much I get lost in her eyes, in the scent of her. How her laugh sounds like

bells at Christmas. I will tell her how I

have fallen helplessly in love with her. 4

As much as I do not want to, I ease myself off the bed. I have everything planned

today so that she can relax. I know how hard she has worked to prepare for today. Not just the event planning with the

catering and the dress, but with learning about the neighboring packs as well. With all the events of yesterday, I just want her to be at peace today.

I head out of the room, and into the den. It is so early that I doubt anyone else is up and about except for the patrolling guard. I ensure that I have everything I need for tonight, and then head downstairs. I am

in serious need of a cup of coffee.

To my surprise Theo is already in the

kitchen, nursing his own coffee cup. He

grunts hello to me as I wander in, and

gestures to the coffee pot still half full of

my favorite brew. I grab a cup and sit with

him at the island. 1

“What is on your mind, causing you to lose sleep?” I do not waste time trying to

figure out what is bothering my friend.

“I am sorry for the way I acted yesterday.

When I seen him on Hannah, I wanted to

rip his throat out. I know that she is not my daughter by blood, but we have raised her all the same. If you had not come in

when you did, I would have ended his life, and felt no remorse at all.” Theo’s voice

is cold, and I can tell that he is reliving

the events in his mind. 9

“You have nothing to apologize for. If I

had seen him on Hannah, I do not doubt that I would have killed him as well.

There is no excuse for his behavior. The fact that he is claiming to be an Alpha and behaving in this way is disgusting to me.” I feel bad that Theo is second guessing his actions. 1

“It is not just that thought” Theo turns. and looks me in the eye “I find myself drawn to Scarlet. I remember all those photos of her laughing and carefree on the walls at her parent’s house. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to meet that girl. To see that sparkle shine in her eyes again.” Hearing Theo talk about Scarlet makes me wonder if his hatred for Dorian is fueled by something other than Hannah. 8

“Theo, I need to ask you a very personal question. Have you had any lovers since Miranda has passed on?” I never say her

name out loud, not since she died. We do not talk about it. Theo took some time

after her death and dealt with it his way.

We had an unspoken agreement that she was an off-limit topic of conversation.

“I tried once, but she wanted more than I

could give her. She wanted a future, and I

had made it very clear from the beginning that we were just two people looking for physical release. Since that fiasco no, I

have not touched another woman. You

know that I do not believe the fairy tale

that there are second chance mates in

this world.” I must admit that I am

surprised that Theo opened up this much

about Miranda, and his love life.

“I truly wish that you would not give up on finding another mate. I would love to see you with some little pups climbing your leg.” I laugh at the thought and clap

him on the back.

“The nights get lonely sometimes, but I do not think that I could ever handle that pain again. I asked the Moon Goddess to take my life that night. I did not want to continue without her. I simply can not go through with that again. I am happy here, training, working, helping our people with special talents. That is what my life. is meant for.” Theo has turned somewhat solemn, and I can not help but wonder if he truly feels that way or if fear is stopping him.

“If that is what you wish, then I will drop the matter. I do have to say though Scarlet is still a beauty.” Theo punches my shoulder at that remark, which I expected.


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