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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 50

Chapter Fifty

Caleb’s Point of View

I am startled awake a little after midnight and turn to find Daphne tossing about in our bed. Her forehead is beaded with sweat and she is practically crying in her sleep. My heart breaks imagining the horrors that my mate is living through in her dreams. My beautiful love has had to endure so much in her short life. I reach out and gather her in my arms, kissing her and softly reassuring her that she is safe and in my arms. She slowly wakes up and I continue to hold her, reassuring her in every way I can think of that I am here, she is safe, and I will always keep her safe.

“I am sorry I woke you up.” Her voice is soft, and she hiccups a little with the last of hers sobs finally subsiding.

“Do not be sorry my love. You have been

through so much. I wish I could have

saved you from everything that you have experienced. Daphne you are so strong, and I love that about you. Never feel sorry

for finding solace in my arms. I love

holding you. I love touching your body,

feeling your heart beat next to mine,

brushing your hair back from your face. I

will never not want to touch you or hold

you.” I pull her closer and kiss her

forehead. There is no denying that I have fallen head over heals in love with my


Daphne moves closer and soon our bodies

are so entwined that there is no space remaining between us. I continue holding her, softly caressing her back.

Unfortunately, I am male, and so other parts of my body have woken up as well. Too soon there is an undeniable bulge pressing into Daphne.

“Sorry love there are some things that I

can not control.” Daphne lets out a soft giggle but does not move away. We laid entangled in each other’s arms, feeling the heat between us, and the rhythm of our hearts beating in time. I could hold her like this forever, but far too soon Daphne starts moving slowly.

She tilts her head and starts kissing my collarbone, sliding her tongue in the crevice between the bone, and my throat. I cannot help but release a small moan. Having my beautiful mate pressed against me and feeling the softness of her lips, instantly sparks a fire in me.

“Oh, my love if you do not intend to be ravaged tonight than you should stop. Sorry but having you this close, and

feeling your lips is not helping my man hood shrink any.” I was trying not to be brash, but she needed to know how I was feeling. 2

Daphne shifts and props herself up on

one arm, letting the moonlight from the widow cascade down her softly. “Who

said I wanted it to shrink?” She shoots

me a coy smile; I am delightfully taken back by her boldness. Daphne is not

normally this bold in the bedroom, but Goddess knows I am not going to stop


My mate playfully pushes on my shoulder, and I lay back on my back as she asks. She straddles me and push up against her letting her feel my full desire.

that is ready for her command. She leans down and kisses my neck; I wrap a hand in her hair loving the silky strands that get entangled in my finger. Daphne moans into my neck as I rock my hips up, pressing every inch of me into her. Making her feel how ready I am to be buried deep inside her warm, wet folds.

I slide my other hand up her side under her tank top and capture her perky nipple

between my fingers. Giving it a teasing tug, before massaging the rest of her breast. I can feel that she is wet through the small tight shorts she wore to bed. I love how responsive she is, and I am rock hard. I unravel my hand from her hair and reach for her top, I want to feel her

skin on mine. She sits back and allows me

to remove it from her.

Seeing Daphne straddling me, her hair wild and perched on top of me topless is a sight that takes my breath away. “You are so damn beautiful.” I cannot stop the words from flowing from my lips as I reach up and recapture her gorgeous breasts with my hands. Daphne arches her back, pressing her breasts farther into me. She takes me by surprise though when she rocks backwards and launches

gracefully to her feet.

Involuntarily I whimper at the loss of contact with her body. I settled down.

when I realized she stood to remove the small pair of shorts she had worn to bed. My beautiful mate was standing on our bed over me, as bare as the day she was born. Her beauty is remarkable,

indescribable in words. There was a fire in her eyes it held me captive. I moved to remove my own shorts and she swooped down and stopped me. Instead she pushed my hands away and removed them herself.

Her boldness, and dominance are a welcome change in her tonight. She skillfully arches above me like a cat in heat, pushing against me allowing me to feel how wet and ready she is already. Her demeanor has me captive. She carefully presses into me trailing kisses down my throat, along my collarbone. I can not stop myself from moaning as she

continues lower down my chest. Pressing

her soft lips into my heated flesh. She

takes her time kissing her way down my

chest, swirling her tongue in certain spots. Her hair brushes against my hips.

as she continues her onslaught

downward. 1

She giggles a little because my hips involuntarily jerk upward. The sensations

on her lips and hair tickle, but in a

thrilling way. I groan, praying that she does not stop. To my pleasure she does

not stop. Daphne continues kissing me on my lower abdomen, across my hips. I am tense with anticipation, my cock stands hard and throbbing begging for her lips to caress him too.

I am gasping for breath when she does not just kiss my begging member, instead she pulls me fully into her mouth. I instinctively wrap my hand in her hair. Feeling her soft lips, and tongue

caressing me softly. I almost lose myself completely. I moan in appreciation of her efforts as she slowly strokes me with her

warm wet mouth. The Moon Goddess has

blessed my love with a very skillful

mouth. I love feeling her swirl her tongue around the head of my cock before sucking me deeper into her throat.

“Baby that feels so damn good.” I want her to know how much I love feeling her mouth wrapped around me. She moans in response and the vibrations on my cock. almost send me over the edge again. I try to pull her up, but she resists.

“Daphne, oh yes. Baby if you do not come up here soon, I am going to explode in your mouth love.” I had to warn her. I was getting too close to the edge too many times for me not to tell her. Still she continues sliding her head up and down my shaft. Just when I think I am going to cum down her throat, she stops sucking me and instead climbs up my body. I am ready and eager to slide deep inside of her.

“You are my mate, you may be my Alpha,

but tonight you are simply mine.” Daphne is commanding in her tone.

Truthfully in a way she almost frightens me with the primal rasp of her voice. I can

tell that some of her wolf is empowering

her tonight, and the combination is sexy as all get out. I do not protest or deny any

of her claims. If she needs to be in control

tonight, then I will gladly submit to

whatever she needs.

My hands grip the sheets tightly as she finally rubs her warm wet folds over my bulging cock. She sits above me toying with me, rubbing her juices over me but not allowing me inside of her. She grabs my left hand and places it on her breast. I gladly comply with her request, teasing and kneading her taunt nipple. I love hearing her moan of pleasure as she

continues to rub herself over me.

Finally, she lets the tip of my cock enter her. I moan at the intense pleasure of

feeling her slick sheath slowly cover me. She teases me and only slides a little bit; I

want to bury myself in her. I exercise

every last strand of self-control that I

have to not slam deep inside of her. It feels like a lifetime before she slides down a little farther, I moan loving every

second of this sweet new torture that she has devised. With no warning she firmly slams down taking every inch of me deep inside of her. She then moves forward

and backwards a little, grinding her clit into my pelvic bone. I am so deep that I can feel her ass cheeks on my balls. Daphne moans in pleasure at her movements.


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