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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 81

Daphne’s Point of View

We had planned on taking two vehicles to the spa, and I was hoping that I would get lucky, and that Melissa would be in the second vehicle. Unfortunately, fate had other plans and we ended up in the same car. I received a little satisfaction that I also had Scarlett, and Lola with us as well. Alma opted to ride with Hannah and Isabella. Caleb was insistent that we take four warriors with us as well. While normally we do not have to worry when we are in the human town, since most of the women with me are Lunas, he wanted to ensure our safety.

It did not take long to get everyone loaded up and on the road. For awhile the car was relatively quiet, then Lola asked the driver to turn on the radio. Instantly there was a pop song blaring through the speakers, and Lola was dancing in her seat singing along to the fast music. Her energy was infectious and soon Scarlett and I found ourselves dancing along too. Melissa sat as still as stone in the front seat, seemingly unfazed by the ruckus.

I felt torn. A part of me wanted to apologize to her for attacking her daughter. I am a Luna, people look to me as a leader, and I feel that I should have held myself better. Another part of me blames her for her daughter’s actions. After all, Melissa is her mother. Her and Noah raised Heather to be an entitled princess. Heather thinks that she can get away with acting however she wants, only this time she learned that her actions have consequences.

We finally reached the spa, and everyone was reading the options available and choosing what they wanted to have done. Hannah and Isabella decided to get manicures and pedicures first, followed by facials. Alma opted for a mud bath, facial, and lower body massage. Scarlett decided to get a full body massage, a pedicure, and a facial. Lola decided to get a hot stone massage, manicure, and a chemical peel. That left Melissa and I to decide what we wanted to get done. I was surprised when I found that we had chosen the same things. We both decided to get a full body massage, followed by time in the sauna, and finishing with a facial.

I knew that there was a possibility that it would be awkward, but I assumed that we were there to relax so there should not be too much interaction. We all started to separate as the employees explained where our different stations were located. I headed to the locker room as instructed to undress and put on a robe. Thankfully, the spa had female employees, so I had no reason to worry about the modesty aspect of things. In the locker room it was Alma, Scarlett, Lola, Melissa, and me. Since we were all getting different types of massages, we all needed to undress.

Unfortunately, the locker room did not have individual changing areas, so everyone was going to have to change in front of the others. Nudity is common for our people, so Lola was half stripped before I even got in the room. I did not think about changing in front of the other until I heard Alma gasp and the room went quiet.

“Daphne your lower back has scars. Is that from when you were younger? I had assumed that they had abused you, but Jerome would never let me intercede. He said that we had no proof and that it was not our place.” I glanced back and seen that Melissa looked away quickly. I guess she did not want to see the lifetime reminder I had of my childhood.

“Do not fret about it Alma. Everything I went through only made me stronger, and in truth I am a better Luna because of it. Unlike some children that were fed with a silver spoon, I know what it means to work.” I wanted Melissa to hear my words. It has been so long since anyone other than Caleb has seen me nude that I had forgotten about the scars. Being a wolf means that we heal quickly, so it is unusual for us to have scars. When I wound is inflicted upon a child that has never shifted though, and that child receives no medical attention then yes, a scar may form. I had several small scars on my body, but my lower back and top of my buttocks is where the most prominent ones are. I train a lot in the sun, so the others are hidden but I do not tan nude, therefore their ugly raised red marks are stark reminders on the paler skin. Alma walks over and gives me a side hug after putting on her robe. An employee comes and lets her know that her area is ready now. Lola and Scarlett are the next two that are called out.

I was surprised when Melissa and I were called out together. We both entered a lovely dark blue room that had lightly scented candles lit around it. There was soft music with no lyrics playing. The melody was soothing but also somewhat melancholy as well. The shock came when I noticed that there were two beds in the room.

“I am sorry for the double-bedded room miss but our other areas are occupied at the moment. Usually, this room is used for a couples massage but seeing as you all came in together, we assumed that everyone was friendly with each other” The attendant must have seen the disappointment in my face.

“I assure you this is completely fine. Thank you for everything that you are doing for my friends and me. I am sure that we will all enjoy the relaxation.” I was quick to assure her. I chose the bed farthest in the room and sat down.

“I will let your massage therapists know that you are both ready.” The attendant quickly nodded a farewell and scampered out of the room. The silence was heavy in the room as Melissa, and I waited.

“I want you to know that I never agreed with the way you were treated.” Her words are stiff, and they hang heavy in the room.


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