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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1103

As much as Sheryl and Shirley wanted to eat out, they failed to persuade Clark. To compromise, Clark agreed to Sheryl's suggestion of taking the pizza home.

Shirley also agreed on that idea. It was better to take it home than nothing at all.

Sheryl really enjoyed the company of her children. When she was with them, she forgot all her worries. She even forgot others. It seemed that her world was rotating only around her children. Her focus was only on Clark and Shirley.

Ever since she turned off her phone, she hadn't checked it for calls or messages. She was unaware of the numerous missed calls and messages she received.

While Sheryl was enjoying her time with the kids, Charles, on the other hand, was really anxious by this time. He couldn't contact Sheryl! He tried to contact her for several times, even left her message after message. But, there was no reply!

In his heart, he knew the reason why he couldn't contact Sheryl. He knew the reason why they had a problem. It was all connected with his dear mother. At first, since Melissa came to live with them, he was starting to get annoyed with Sheryl. He couldn't understand a kind and considerate girl becoming very vicious!

But just an hour ago, he suddenly received a video recording from Sheryl. Although it was a sneak shot, the recording was completely clear.

The video showed their bedroom. The voice recorded unmistakably belonged to Melissa. He clearly heard everything she said.

He was a little bit shaken. Even though Sheryl didn't say anything, he could still understand her actions. Who wouldn't be? After all, his mother was no saint.

But what made Charles really feel sad was his guilty for Sheryl. Why did he doubt her? Didn't all the hardships they overcome proof enough of her loyalty and love? Of her character? Wasn't this just another obstacle that they had to win together?

Charles looked at his watch. He knew it was time for Sheryl to pick up the children. But when he drove to the kindergarten, he found no one anymore. So, he rushed home.

His anxiousness reached its peak when he reached home. Sheryl and the kids had not arrived yet.

But, somebody was in a good mood to see him. Melissa walked to his direction and gave him her best smile. "Charles, it's good to see you. I missed you."

Charles did not look at Melissa. He didn't even return her greetings. In short, he didn't like to see her.

"Charles!" Melissa shouted a bit. She didn't like her son's attitude just now. And she wanted to get to the bottom of this. "What happened? Is there anything wrong with you?" she asked.

"Where is Sher?" he asked. He wanted to shout at her, but controlled himself. He suppressed whatever anger he was feeling. After all, Melissa was still his mother. She still deserved to receive even a little respect.

"Sher? I don't know. She hasn't come back since she went out this afternoon," Melissa answered feigning ignorance. Melissa knew very well that Sheryl went out to fetch the kids from school, but she pretended not to know. So what if not telling him what she knew would create a problem. It was her objective anyway to create a wedge between them. She would do everything to achieve what she wanted.

When Charles looked at her, he saw her eyes as sincere as ever. If Charles had not seen the video, he would have believed her. But now, after knowing the truth, he just turned away from her and walked out. He was nearing his car when his mother called him.

"Charles, where are you going?" Melissa asked gently. She didn't understand why Charles was frantic to find Sheryl.

"I am going out to find Sher!" Charles answered. He wanted to say more, but stopped himself. He wanted to talk to Sher first.

"Charles, is Sher still angry with me? If you find her, you must help me to persuade her. I..." Melissa continued. She continued acting as the good mother-in-law who was so sincere and concerned to her daughter-in-law. Her acting was definitely improving each day.

"Mom!" Charles shouted, stopping Melissa with whatever else she was going to say. "Cut it out, will you? You have just been discharged from the hospital. Go to your room and rest!" Charles really didn't want to hear her telling more lies. As much as he would like to control himself, he failed. He was reaching his breaking point.

Melissa was shocked by his words. She detected anger in his voice. She couldn't accept the fact that Charles' attitude to her changed in just a snap of a finger.

'What made him like this? Did I do something he didn't like? But I just came back from the hospital, ' Melissa thought. The harder she thought, the harder she felt to figure out the reason.

Melissa was thinking miles away, and Charles took the chance to get away from her.

When he was about to leave Dream Garden, he saw Sheryl's car approaching.

She pulled over and got out of the car, followed by the two kids with smiles on their faces.

At that moment, Charles finally felt relieved. He got out of the car as well and walked towards Sher.

"Sher, is your phone turned off?" Charles asked. He didn't want to elaborate his question anymore for fear of the children understanding what he meant. Clark, especially. He was too perceptive for his age.


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