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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1104

Thinking about his mother's reaction, Clark suddenly felt very unhappy. "Mom, can't you recall what I've just said to you? The last thing you should be doing is avoiding these problems. I understand that you don't want to forgive Dad, but at least you should give him an opportunity to explain himself. Otherwise, he will feel so sad and like he has been wronged."

Seeing Sheryl keeping silent, Clark began to shake her hand gently, in his attempt to convince her once more. "Mom, please, just let dad explain."

"Oh, fine...I'll listen to you and hear what your father has to say," replied Sheryl helplessly. She thought that if she persisted on saying no, Clark would keep nagging her until she agreed.

"That's alright, Mom," Clark answered in a happy tone as he patted Sheryl's hand lovingly. "So, since you've agreed, you can go upstairs and have a talk with him now. I will wait here and eat pizza with Shirley," Clark added.

Sheryl didn't have any other reason to refuse Charles anymore. Following him, she went into the bedroom upstairs.

"Sher, I've seen the video you sent me. I'm really sorry. I didn't know what the truth was, and that was why I questioned the situation before." Charles got straight to the point and expressed his apology to Sheryl. He felt sorry for treating her the way he did.

He didn't want to elaborate on other trivial things, and especially not on something that didn't matter. He also knew that Sheryl would feel more impatient and disappointed with him, if he kept going on about senseless things, instead of apologizing up front.

"Well, now that you've learned about the truth, we don't have anything else to talk about, now do we?" Sheryl responded to Charles' apology in a cold and relentless voice. She didn't feel like she was ready to reply to his apology, nor accept it. She wasn't the kind of person who liked to complain about how hurt she felt by another person.

"Sher, I'm so sorry. I know that you feel wronged, and I know that it's all my fault. Nevertheless, I promise that after supper, I will tell my mom that our family of four will not live in Dream Garden from this point forward. I'll find another incredible home, and we can just move out. I've been thinking about it for a long time. What do you think?" Charles spoke his mind. Once he learned the truth, he made the decision on behalf of him and his family to move out.

"What? You want us to move out? Wait...Aren't you afraid of your mother's disapproval?" Sheryl never thought that Charles would make the mindful decision to make such a sacrifice, especially for her sake. She was surprised but relieved at the same time.

"Of course, I know that she won't agree with my decision. However, even though she doesn't agree, the most important thing to me is that our family can live a happy life together. I truly mean it, Sheryl," said Charles firmly. He wanted to make it clear that she was a priority to him.

Noticing Sheryl's expression, which boasted with pure disbelief, he immediately added, "I need to admit something though. I decide to move out, not only because we can live a happy and peaceful life together, but also because I don't want to unmask my mom. I mean, regardless of anything, she's still my mom. She hasn't been living in Dream Garden for a long time, so I couldn't just ask her to move out.

I just can't understand why she doesn't like you, nor what is in her mind. Whatever happens, Sher, I promise you that she will never come between, nor separate us ever again. I don't even care if she uses suicide to threaten me. You and the children will always come first!"

Sheryl had to admit, what Charles said was very admirable. At least in her mind, this kind of promise brought her more relief than a mere apology.

She felt at ease, as Charles had just promised her his loyalty. What else could she ask for?

No matter what she lost in Dream Garden, she wouldn't fear anything else as long as she still had her kids and Charles.

"I have a question. Is moving out truly at your discretion? Do you think that your mom will agree with your decision?" Sheryl's question indicated that she was permitting this decision.

"Don't worry, Sher. I will discuss my decision with my mother. I've made a promise to you, and I will make it clear to her that no one can stop us from moving out or being together." Charles made a firm vow to Sheryl.

Realizing that Sheryl was finally convinced, Charles continued, "Sher, can I ask you for just one thing? Can you just bear my mom for a few days? Just until we move out. No matter what my mom says to you, all you have to do is ignore her words. You should know that she is…"

"Fine. Please, there's no need to remind me whatsoever. I know what you're going to say. I promise, as long as we can have our life back and live a peaceful life together, I don't mind how she treats me in the next few days. I'll tolerate it." Sheryl cut Charles off.

Sheryl recalled herself saying these kinds of words many times after Melissa came back. Regardless, each time she made her attitude clear, a conflict was born between her and Melissa. Sheryl felt uneasy. She knew that, whenever she displayed kindness to Melissa, it was followed by Melissa's efforts to frame her once more.


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