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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1115

Sheryl automatically nodded her head in approval, sinking into deep thought. If those fake nude pictures of her were exposed the next morning, her reputation would be ruined. Even if she explained to the mass that those photos were processed, they still wouldn't buy it.

So the crucial thing to do at the moment was to stop the media from publishing them.

Meanwhile, Charles was busy contacting the media. When Sheryl snapped out of her daze, she rested her eyes on him and saw a crease between his eyebrows. Even though she couldn't hear what was being said on the other end, she could tell by his expression that it was not good news.

When he slammed the phone down, she asked, "What did they say, Charles?"

"Rachel is such a bitch. She already called the media. She has threatened to expose their dirty secrets to the public if they don't publish your news as the front-page headlines tomorrow," Charles thundered. Going ballistic, he swiped his hand over the documents on his desk and let everything fall to the floor.

"Oh God... She is so vicious! What secrets does the media have to keep and how does she know it?" Sheryl fumed, narrowing her eyes. She didn't think that Rachel was capable of hatching such a flawless plot.

"The media is a complex industry. There are some hidden rules and nasty business that comes with it. But none of them would expose each other in order to work peacefully. Rachel Bai was in that circle, so she knows how it works,"

Charles explained, trying to calm down.

"What are we going to do now?" Sheryl asked with a troubled look.

"Rachel knows their dirty business, so they have no choice but to obey her. Things just got way more complicated!" Charles said, frustrated by his helplessness.

Silence filled the office. After thinking for a while, he came up with something. Rubbing his chin, he said, "Perhaps this might work. I will give it a shot."

"What's the plan? Tell me!" Sheryl urged him, looking perplexed.

"You know what? I will take you home first. Wait for me there. Don't go out for a few days. Leave this to me; I will take care of it. You don't have to worry about anything," Charles reassured her with a warm smile. He had already come up with an idea. But he couldn't bring Sheryl along with him since he needed to visit someone in person to get his plan to work.

"Okay," Sheryl agreed. She had racked her brain for a long time, but couldn't think of a solution. Now that Charles had something up his sleeve, she decided to let him take care of it. No matter what she said or did now, the reporters would make up stories to draw the attention of the public. It would only make things worse if she made an appearance in front of them.

When Sheryl and Charles arrived at Dream Garden, Melissa was away. Sheryl heaved a long breath of relief. She was already pretty worn out. The last thing she needed was a bout with Melissa.

"Sher, I have to leave now. You stay here and spend time with Clark and Shirley," said Charles.

"Okay. I'll see you later," Sheryl replied as she watched him hurry out of the house.

"Mommy, why are you back already? Didn't you say that you were going to a party? Is it over so soon?" Clark asked curiously, appearing out of nowhere.

"Well, I was missing you too much. So, I left the party before it ended," Sheryl replied tenderly as she squatted down and touched his head dotingly. She always tried not to show any negative emotions to her kids.

"Nancy, could you please pour a glass of water for Mom? She isn't looking too well," Clark said to Nancy in a polite tone.

"Yes, I will. You are such a caring child, Clark. Your mother is so lucky to have you looking out for her," Nancy praised the child with a warm smile. Sheryl sensed that Nancy had changed a lot. The maid treated Sheryl, Clark and Shirley with utmost care.


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