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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1116

Charles came back very late that night; by the time he returned, Sheryl had already fallen asleep. Everyone else was also asleep, and the house was quiet and still.

Sheryl thought that when something like that happened, she would suffer from insomnia, but she didn't realize that her psychological insomnia was defeated by her physical distress.

She slept soundly and had no nightmares.

As for what would happen tomorrow, she did not know. Even if she knew, there was no way to control. And she knew Charles was busy with her business.

Although Charles was busy with it, Rachel certainly wouldn't let Sheryl off the hook so easily.

As for who would lose and who would win in the end, Sheryl didn't know and was too tired to think about it.

Tomorrow's business would be tomorrow's business; she wanted to leave it alone for the time being.

She didn't want to think about anything now and she just wanted to have a good sleep so that she could go to the kindergarten's parent-child activities with full of energy tomorrow.

"Wake up." When the sun rose the next day and Sheryl stirred from her sleep, Charles was next to her in bed, his voice as sweet as ever.

"Well, when did you come back?" Sheryl asked, rubbing her eyes.

"When I came back, it was three o'clock in the morning. Seeing you sleep soundly, I didn't want to wake you up," Charles told her.

"How was it?" Although she told herself not to think about it, now that Charles was there with her, she couldn't help but ask.

"There should be no problem," he told her consolingly.

"That's good," Sheryl smiled. She was comforted by Charles' words.

"Charles, we're going to Shirley and Clark's parent-child activities today. Do you remember that?" Sheryl asked Charles.

"I almost forgot. Time is running out. Let's go together." Charles jumped out of bed as soon as Sheryl told him.

"Take your time and don't worry about it," Sheryl told him.

As long as yesterday's problem was solved, there shouldn't be much trouble today. Although Sheryl was discredited last night, the people on scene were all the most respectable people in Y City business circle.

When things happened last night, they talked because they were surprised. But now it was the second day, everyone had been sobered up, and they should finish saying what they wanted to say.

After waking up, they had to be busy with their companies. They had to consider not only their own images, but also the images of their companies, so they could not continue to blatantly offend the Shining Company.

Since they wouldn't dare and had no strength to offend the Shining Company, they could only forget what happened last night and stop talking about it publicly.

But if the reporters were to expose it, then the whole country would know it, and there would be no use in trying to hide it from the public.

The personal and love lives of the rich and powerful families had always been the focus of speculation and gossip among the ordinary people. Charles was also the best representative of the love story of the rich and powerful family. It was a really great story; like Cinderella, Sheryl started with seemingly nothing and ended up marrying a domineering president of one of the biggest companies in the country.

If Charles had an extramarital affair or was photographed naked, that would not be a big problem, but this person was the Cinderella!

Needless to say, everyone knew how popular and relevant the news was.


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