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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1211

Nick started to lose consciousness. When he thought he might die there, he heard quick footsteps approaching him.

Trying to pull himself together, he blinked his eyes and looked towards the direction of the noise.

It was Nick's assistant Bob Liu. When he had gotten the call from his boss, he hurried out of his house and took a taxi to the company. As soon as he had gotten out of the cab, he ran to the underground parking. As he approached Nick's car, he caught sight of his boss curled up on the floor.

Bob felt sorry for the young man. Yesterday, he had advised Nick to pay attention to his health and get some rest. Yet, his boss clearly hadn't followed his suggestion.

Bob Liu thought back to earlier that day. Before getting off work, he entered Nick's office and asked him whether he needed him to work overtime. His boss told him to go home to spend more time with his wife and child because he had been working extra hours for several days now.

Nick had always been nice to others but strict with himself.

As he thought of that, Bob Liu's nose twitched and tears were built up in his eyes.

"Are you okay, Mr. Ge?" the assistant inquired. He helped the young lad up, opened the door and settled him in the back seat.

"Bob, please take me to the hospital. My stomach really hurts..." Nick's voice trailed off as he continued to pant.

Upon hearing this, the assistant flew into a panic.

Nick had just gone through cardiac surgery, so Bob Liu was immediately concerned when he mentioned having pain. 'Would he get through this?' he thought to himself.

Without saying anything, Bob Liu jumped into the driver's seat and drove out of the underground parking lot.

It was 3 o'clock in the morning when they finally arrived at the hospital.

Stopping the car, Bob Liu opened the car door and helped Nick walk into the hospital.

When a doctor on duty saw the pair, he instructed paramedics to take Nick to the emergency room.

The door closed behind Nick and the paramedics, leaving Bob Liu alone. Fixing his eyes on the door anxiously, he prayed for Nick.

Half an hour later, the paramedics emerged through the door, pushing Nick on a stretcher.

Bob Liu ran to Nick's side, looking him over. 'He looks pale, but at least his eyes are open. I'm glad to see that, ' Bob Liu thought.

"How is he, sir?" Bob Liu asked the physician on duty.

"The patient is stable and out of danger. Fortunately, you brought him here right away. He just had an operation, so he's pretty weak, and needs to get some rest," the doctor explained calmly. Adjusting his glasses, the doctor sighed and added, "If he doesn't take care of his health, he will likely get worse."

Hearing this, Bob Liu looked worriedly down at Nick. 'He must've heard what the doctor said. I hope he takes the doctor's advice and takes time to recover, ' he mused.

Bob Liu thanked the doctor, and helped the paramedics push his boss on a stretcher toward his ward.

It was 5:30 in the morning when they finally got to the room.

Streaks of early sunlight slanted through the windows in the ward. Now that he knew Nick was out of danger, Bob Liu's mind was finally at ease. In fact, he was quite drowsy.


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