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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1212

Sheryl caught Nick's eyes. She was dressed in a casual outfit that made her look younger than she really was. In his eyes, she was attractive and beautiful. In fact, it was natural for men to be attracted by her appearance. Nick wasn't any different.

Nick's stare lingered on Sheryl as if his eyes were locked on her bound by some magic spell. Sheryl still didn't notice the obvious affection in Nick's eyes, but a nurse did. Moments ago, she was walking towards them with a bright smile on her face and excited to see Nick again. However, as she was approaching them, she saw how Nick looked at Sheryl. She stopped as disappointment and pain flooded her.

She immediately changed her direction and hid in a corner where they couldn't see her. She stood frozen like a tree as she watched how Nick affectionately looked at Sheryl. She felt her heart start to break inside of her. Her fists clenched as she bit her lower lip in attempt to keep herself from crying. Still, her tears betrayed her, and she couldn't keep watching anymore. The nurse turned and walked away with warm tears flowing down her cheeks and her heart torn into pieces.

Sheryl was still oblivious of Nick's stare; all she felt at that moment was guilt. After Nick told her as to why he was in the hospital, she couldn't help but feel the impulse to lecture him.

Even though it was undeniable how important work was, health was still the foundation of working effectively and should be given utmost priority. Thinking about this made Sheryl's eyebrows furrow into a frown. She turned to Nick and blamed him for ignoring his health. "How many times do we have to remind you to take more rest and keep yourself from stress? Nick, you work too hard. The doctor warned you already, and I believe that Isla and I have done our jobs of reminding you as well, but where did it all go? It just went in one ear and out the other. When will you listen? If you keep working so crazily and rashly, let me tell you, we won't be there to take care of you when you fall ill again." Sheryl crossed her arms. Her voice implied that she was angry. Although she appreciated Nick's dedication and hard work, work still couldn't be finished or done well once health was being neglected. Health was still necessary for long cooperation. Her pretending to be angry was also to show him her attitude when it came to situations like this.

No matter how Sheryl nagged at Nick, it didn't annoy him even the tiniest bit. Instead, he could only feel concern coming from Sheryl, making a thread of warmth flow into his heart.

At that moment, he remembered what his partner did the last time he was hospitalized. His partner ran away with all their money without even leaving him some behind—not even a tiny bit of concern. That was why after that, he had sworn to himself that he would not trust anyone again. He had worked hard and made great contributions to their investments, but what did he get in return?

He got nothing but deception and betrayal, and the feeling of being stupid enough to trust deceivers.

From then on, he had made up his mind that it was much better to deceive and to betray than be the one deceived and betrayed.

It wasn't the first time he had felt being left behind with nothing. He became an orphan at a young age, and never did he enjoyed his childhood. It was full of pain and neglect. If only he had parents, then he would have experienced the feeling of being happy. Then, like a light by the end of a long, dark tunnel, he met Sheryl and Isla. It was the first time he had felt the affection and care that existed only between family members. They were like elder sisters to him, who showed him kindness and compassion. For the first time, he felt he wasn't alone in this cruel world. He looked at Sheryl with a warm feeling inside of him and knew that she was only angry at him because she was concerned about his well-being.

At that moment, he decided to change his mindset. He promised to himself that he would prove himself by making achievements and showing off his talent without stepping on anyone else. He would work hard and live well for the two sisters who treated him as if he was their younger brother—as if he was their family.

'I will stop living my life as if it was trash, as if I was useless. I will make great achievements and dream big dreams.

I will be successful like the others, and most importantly, I will start to learn how to be happy, ' he thought to himself.

With a bright smile on his face, Nick turned to Sheryl and said in a solemn voice, "Sher, thank you so much. I really mean it."

This reaction surprised Sheryl. Even though they had known each other for quite a time now, and his behavior and actions hinted that he was difficult to get along with, she just shrugged it off and never minded it. They still got along quite well, but it was rare to see Nick as serious as this.

Sheryl just nodded and once more never minded Nick's sudden seriousness. She then replied shortly, "Don't mention it. Anyway, how is the project going?"

Nick's face immediately lit up in excitement at Sheryl's question. He had been dedicating himself on this project for a long while now, and it wasn't until recently that he finally figured something out. It was something that was worth celebrating about.

'As soon as I recover and leave the hospital, I will treat Isla and Sheryl to a dinner, because thanks to them, I have gotten myself out from rock bottom and through the difficult times. Moreover, although I still won't be able to return the huge fees right away, I will surely pay them back soon. As long as my project is finished, investors will soon be lining up and be eager to pay for it, and I will have enough money by then, ' he thought in delight.

Nick opened his mouth to tell Sheryl his plans, but decided against it—it was better to keep it as a secret and surprise them soon after he was released from the hospital.

Instead, Nick smiled and said, "The project is going well. My blood, sweat, and tears will pay off soon."

Sheryl nodded, feeling happy for Nick. "That's great. No pain, no gain. There are times wherein gains will be a little late, and that's when our patience will be tested."

Sheryl and Nick stayed there and conversed about work and other random things and insights. As the sun started to set, Sheryl bid goodbye to Nick and asked him to go back to his room so that he could rest.


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