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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1258

As soon as Melissa uttered those words, she lost consciousness, her head falling into Charles's arms.

Charles' eyes widened in fear. "Mom!" He shouted in a rage and panic. He raised his head and roared as he looked around for help. "Nancy! Where are you? Call an ambulance! Hurry!"

Hearing Charles' panic roar, Sheryl immediately was brought back to her senses. She rushed hastily downstairs. Nancy ran towards them as well. Nancy's eyes widened in shock. For a moment, she was at a loss for words and didn't know what to do.

Nancy's hand covered her mouth as soon as she noticed the blood. She glanced at Sheryl and uttered,"Sher, what..."

Sheryl looked at her back and interrupted her. "Nancy, we need to hurry. Go help Charles get Mom in the car. I will drive."

Without waiting for her response, Sheryl hurriedly ran to the underground garage and drove the car out herself. There was no more time to call the driver, and it would be best and time-saving if she drove. After all, this was an emergency.

As soon as Sherly was able to park the car at the gate, she lowered the window. She saw Charles coming out with his mom in his arms. "Hurry!" Sheryl shouted.

Charles didn't answer and continued to move fast as he could while carrying his mother. Nancy rushed over to open the rear passenger door. Charles laid Melissa in the back seat and secured her with a seatbelt. He adjusted the height before closing the door.

Sheryl's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at Charles who was still standing outside of the car. "Aren't you coming?" she asked.

Charles raised his head and stared at her deeply as if he was deep in thought. Not long after, he went over towards the driver's side without saying anything.

Sheryl looked at him in doubt and confusion.

Before she could say anything, Charles said coldly,"Get out."

"What?" Sheryl asked, not knowing what he meant by that. Did he want to drive to the hospital himself?

Charles just stared at her coldly, making Sheryl get out of the car in a hurry. As soon as Sheryl was out, Charles took the driver's seat and closed the door in front of her. Sheryl ran towards the passenger seat, but before she could get in, the car started all of a sudden, leaving her frozen in her spot.

The car almost ran over Sheryl's foot. One move forward would have flattened her foot entirely. Because of the sudden start, Sheryl moved one step back immediately to avoid the car and could do nothing but watch the car speeding away from her.

In a flash, the car was out of her sight.

Sheryl stood frozen in her spot. She didn't know how to feel anymore. All she could think about was the expression in Charles' eyes before he got in the car. She remembered how coldly he looked at her; it was like a sharp spear piercing her heart.

Her heart started to break into pieces as the look of Charles before he left was stuck in her mind. She couldn't believe that the look could go from flirtatious and loving to deadly in less than an hour. She felt her body start to tremble unconsciously. She raised her head and closed her eyes to take in the shine of the sun on her body, but no matter how she stayed put, embracing the sun, she still couldn't seem to feel the warmth. All she could feel was a chill running down her spine.

Meanwhile, Nancy, who came back inside after opening and closing the car door moments ago, noticed Sheryl still standing outside. She took a double look by the living room window to make sure, but she really wasn't seeing things, so she rushed out of the house. "Sher, aren't you supposed to be driving to the hospital? What happened?" Nancy asked in surprise as she looked at a dazed Sheryl.

Sheryl didn't budge or even say anything back to Nancy. Nancy's eyes widened in concern as she noticed how pale Sheryl's lips were. "Sher, are you okay?" she asked, worried about Sheryl's sanity.

Still, Sheryl didn't say anything. Deep inside, she knew that this time she wasn't going away with anything anymore, and for sure, Charles would not forgive her. She felt a pang of pain in her chest at the thought of it.

It was also then that she finally realized that no matter how deep their love was, it still couldn't be compared to the family affection. After all, Melissa was Charles's mother. This time, if something really bad and serious happened to Melissa, Sheryl would surely be the first to blame.

Then again, even if there was nothing serious, it would still be difficult for Sheryl to stay at the Dream Garden.

Because of this thought, Sheryl understood why Melissa acted with great confidence and certainty a while ago. Melissa most probably planned to fall down the stairs. Thinking about how Melissa was willing to risk her life made Sheryl realize how desperate Melissa was and how much she really wanted Sheryl out of the house.

All of these thoughts had done nothing but bring about ache in Sheryl's heart. A warm tear fell down on her cold cheek.

Nancy's eyes fell down as she saw the tears on Sheryl's cheeks. She thought that she was scared, because her mother-in-law was placed in a critical condition, so she comforted Sheryl. "Sher, it's okay. I know Melissa will be fine. Don't worry too much."

Sheryl opened her eyes and gave Nancy a glance before shaking her head in a trance. Without saying a word, she slowly walked towards the house.


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