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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1259

Catching the employees talking to each other during business hours, Rachel became furious. Marcelo stepped in and asked her to be lenient to the employees. This made Rachel angrier. She believed that to reach success in life, one had to work hard and learn to obey rules. In this case, her rules were the ones they should obey as long as they were employees in her company.

She clapped her hands to get the attention of everyone. In a loud sarcastic voice, she said, "Congratulations! You really made my day! What do you think you're doing, huh? Is that what you call working hard?! Well, let me tell you this! If you think you're working hard already, you are all wrong! I don't pay you a lot of money just to sit and talk shit to each other! This is my company, and you are all here to respect me by abiding by my rules!" Without thinking twice, Rachel turned to Marcelo and yelled, "I already made up my mind. You are fired! Clear out your desk as soon as possible and get out of my company!"

Firing Marcelo was a warning for everyone to know how serious she was with her company rules. Furthermore, she wanted them to see that there wouldn't be second thoughts on firing them once she found out that they violated her rules. However, her rash decision on terminating Marcelo did not invite any positive outcome on work ethics among her employees. Instead, they started to question the legality of the termination. Moreover, the employees started to rebel against her and question her authority.

Everyone could see how shocked Marcelo was. His flattering smile slowly disappeared, he tactfully defended himself by saying, "Ms. Bai, I didn't do anything wrong. As a matter of fact, I worked myself harder in the last few years to reach this position."

As hard as he could, he maintained his calm image as he continued to fight for his right. "You cannot fire me. I believe I contributed a lot during the difficult years of building this company up."

"Cut the crap, Marcelo. As the head of Administration, you should know the procedure from top to bottom. Take your things and leave before I call security." Then, without looking back, Rachel walked to her office without a care in the world.

Her time was so precious than to waste it arguing with a lowly employee.

"Oh, Marcelo…" The employees couldn't believe what Rachel did to Marcelo. They were strongly appalled to what she did. All their sympathies went to Marcelo. Those employees who were near Marcelo came forward to comfort him. And, one thing was happening among the employees—they were all complaining.

"This time, Ms. Bai really went too far! I couldn't believe she disregarded you after you made great contributions in this company. How could she fire you just because of you standing up for us?"

Marcelo had been good to all the staff. He always put the employees first before himself. He encouraged them to do their best, and he always saw potential in them. When the employees were in trouble, he would take the blame. It was the reason why Marcelo lost his job. He defended them.

Though Marcelo was already aggrieved, he still comforted the employees. Smiling bitterly, he said, "It doesn't matter. The corporation is in the losing end right now. I am really thinking of looking for another job. I couldn't make up my mind to quit because I had deep feelings towards the company. But with this incident, it decided for me and made my situation easier. Now, I can really look for a new job with a light heart."

Although he didn't mind leaving the corporation, the feeling of humiliation was still there. It would also be easier if the new companies he would be applying for would see that he resigned from his position rather than being fired.

"Now, everyone. Go back to your stations. If Ms. Bai sees you relaxing from your work, she will surely be angry again. If that happens, no one will save you anymore."

When everyone went back to work, Marcelo walked towards his corner. He prepared everything for an easy turn over to his successor.

He got everything itemized so that the newbie could start working as soon as possible. Though it was not his job anymore, he felt it was the responsible thing to do. And, despite of his relationship with the owner ending badly, he didn't take what happened to his heart. For him, revenge was not a right thing to do. It would only cause an agonizing life.

After working in Tarsan Corporation for many years, he was sad to leave.

'When I got hired by this multinational corporation, my family and friends were so happy for me. Some even envied me. I was so proud and this became my motivation to work hard. Just now I told others that I had intended to leave, but I didn't really look for a new job. Why? It's because those were just words. I love my job and I didn't really have an intention of quitting it.

But what happened today was so unexpected. I felt loss...'

After a few months, Marcelo became problematic. His savings were almost gone. He didn't know how to tell his family what happened to him.

Meanwhile, at the Tarsan Corporation

Rachel, sitting in her office, was angry again at the idle employees.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock. It was her assistant. She looked worried.

Hesitating, she informed Rachel of a new dilemma. "Ms. Bai, there are several contracts which are about to expire. They used to send someone to renew them at least a month before expiration. But this time, with the deadline fast approaching, nobody came. No one even called..."

Upon hearing the news, Rachel felt downhearted. It seemed that the company was bearing more losses now.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? What was the in-charge doing? He should have contacted those people a long time ago! If we lose those clients, who will take the blame?! You?!"


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