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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1401

So when Cassie learned that Sheryl wasn't getting on well, she rushed to visit Sheryl in hope of making her feel better.

"Cassie, thank you. Don't worry. I'm fine." Sheryl let out a sigh and continued to say, "Every family has its problems. But don't be worried about me. I can handle it."

Sheryl wasn't going to tell Cassie what had happened to the Lu family. She hid it from Cassie, as well as her best friend, Isla.

The kidnappers were still holding Shirley. If too many people knew about it, Sheryl was afraid it might provoke them and they might harm her daughter. If that were to happen, she would never be able to forgive herself and be haunted by the regret and agony for the rest of her life.

Just imagining that possibility made her tremble with fear. Sheryl couldn't imagine her life without Shirley by her side.

"Sher, you don't have to tell me. It's okay." Cassie saw the sorrow in Sheryl's eyes, and it broke her heart to see her so sad.

She could sense that Sheryl was hiding something. She didn't want to pry since Sheryl was reluctant to talk about it.

"Sher, let me know if you're not feeling well. I know some doctors here. I can ask one of them to check on you,"

Cassie said out of concern.

Sheryl nodded her head. She was touched and said, "Cassie, you're so kind. Nick is lucky to have you as his girlfriend. By the way, how are you two going? Does he treat you well? If he dares mistreat you, I'll deal with him."

Sheryl noticed that Cassie's expression had changed at what she said.

Cassie wanted to speak to a reliable friend about what happened between her and Nick for a long time. She needed a shoulder to cry on.

Since Cora lived with her, she hoped to share her concerns with Cora. However, she couldn't tell her too many things about Nick because of Cora's relationship with Jordan.

So Cassie had been bottling it up inside her. She had the urge to tell Sheryl all about it to vent her dejection and feelings of impotence.

Hesitating for a moment, she said in a low voice, "Sher, has Nick been contacting you of late?"

Sheryl was stunned by the question and asked, "Is there anything wrong between you and Nick? He hasn't contacted me recently. I thought he was on a business trip."

When Cassie heard that, she couldn't hold onto her feelings any longer, and the tears trickled down her cheeks. She became overwhelmed with grief and depression.

"Oh, Sher..." Cassie flung herself into Sheryl's arms and started to cry.

Sheryl was shocked, and all she could do was hug Cassie back and pat her reassuringly on the shoulder trying to make her feel better.

She wondered what had happened between Cassie and Nick and why she was in such a state of emotional collapse. Was it because of Nick? Nick was introverted, and his character didn't attract many girls. It was more likely that he might have irritated Cassie unwittingly.


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