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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1402

With Cassie's words, Sheryl was shocked and immediately opposed, "Oh, Cassie! Stop saying such things! I am happy to talk to you. I feel so honored that you shared your problems with me. If you are available, don't forget to see me, okay? It's dull to be bed-ridden without anyone around." As she was talking to Cassie, Sheryl gave her a sincere look.

"Of course! That would be fun. I will come over as soon as I am free," Cassie promised, with a smile of relief. After spilling out her inner words, Cassie felt like the heavy burden once on her heart was partly removed.

But she was still subdued with distress once she reminisced her and Nick's memories. Feeling hopeless, she could only weep in her heart and thought, 'How cruel Nick can be! With the miseries that he left me, I am here, lamenting those remnants. Did I owe him something back during my previous life? So I have to suffer like this to redeem myself from my previous sins?'

At the Dream Garden

Melissa and Leila went back side by side to Dream Garden, silent and both absent-minded. Upon entering the door, Leila began to quiver in fright. She almost failed to support herself and rested her body against the door as Leila's feet were getting into jelly. No matter how hard she tried to pull herself upright, it was all in vain as she fell helplessly to the ground.

Beads of sweat glided over her forehead, and her face turned deathly pale. Keeping her head bowed, she avoided Melissa's stare persistently. Fear encompassed her thoughts.

However, the stupidity and cowardice of Leila didn't escape from Melissa's eyes. Even though Melissa couldn't see Leila's face clearly, the despise she felt was still tremendous as she turned a glare to her. 'How come I gave my trust to this foolish woman?' she thought irritatingly.

Feeling frenzied and lost, Leila didn't pay too much attention to Melissa's presence. Dealing with Melissa's rage was trifling for her right now. At the moment, all she was thinking was the words she had eavesdropped earlier outside Sheryl's ward.

'What should I do next? How can I get away from this mess?' Leila thought, as she was bewildered of the unfavorable incidents happening to her. The overconfidence ruled Leila because Melissa was on her side. Now that she discerned how Sheryl was skeptical about her all along, it would be possible for Charles to be doubtful of her too. Sooner or later, Leila hated to accept, but Charles would eventually find out the truth if he followed Sheryl's instinct. It was just a matter of time for Leila to taste her cursed fate.

With her dreadfulness amplified, Leila began to regret her reckless decision. Even though punishments would upend her by and by, she still attempted to deny her mistake and propelled the responsibilities to Sheryl. While suppressing herself, she cursed in her mind, 'I hate you so much, Sheryl! This mayhem could never appear to me if you avoided encroaching on my plan. I could never let you taste heaven.

You ruined everything that I'd plotted all along! Your innocent act was too witty. If I hit rock bottom, I'll drag you down as well.'

However, her anger was replaced by anxiety as she thought, 'If Charles learns all of what I have done, and if he knows the truth, will he address me as a wicked woman? What if he never forgives me and loathes me instead? Or worse...No! I won't let myself end up in prison.'

To cease her thoughts from going further, Leila shook her head repeatedly. Compared to the poisonous medicine's effect, the aftermath that she would go through would be worse. Penance would only be the things she could think of if ever those things happened.

As she was too tensed, Leila began to bite her fingers instinctively. Engraved teeth marks became visible as she gnawed them too hard. Along with the bites were the worsened quivering and hideous frown creasing as she was dealing with a problem that seemed to be worse than death. Different mixed emotions rose in her petrified mind, and the despair wavered her, making her lose her sanity to come back to herself.

Witnessing Leila's overreaction and feebleness, Melissa went more frustrated with her. What she could only do was cast Leila a scornful glance and roll her eyes in disappointment. Melissa knew her son well. Based on how she perceived, Charles' decision was conclusive, and it would be impossible to tame him. For Melissa, Charles wouldn't stop until he got the bottom of this havoc, so there would be no use for Leila to be terrified or beg for mercy.

Nonetheless, the truth was still hiding in secrecy. It was an advantage for Leila that she overheard Sheryl earlier. As long as Charles and Sheryl hadn't discovered everything yet, Leila could still react and plan if she got caught.

With frustration, Melissa couldn't help but belittle Leila's forlorn expression. When she remembered how Leila showed indifference to her kindness back then, she felt nothing but pure contempt.

As her head bumped on the wall, Melissa realized that her act of reaching out a hand to pull Leila up was all in vain. Her good intention became a laughingstock as Leila completely ignored it. Clouded by vengeance, Melissa pulled back her helping hand and turned her head away. At the sight of paralyzed Leila sitting on the ground, she threw a smirk and an abhorrent snort. Being convinced, Melissa could tell that Leila had lost her sanity and morale, admitting defeat.

Still, Melissa turned to look at her again, trying to be patient with her. She chastised, "Leila, to whom are you showing your pity face?

You are too weak to take the pressure, and I am so disappointed about it! I even believed that you were an omnipotent girl. It was a waste to relish you and even fancy you to be my son's wife. But now, I think you are not worthy of my son!"


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