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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1408

Even the doctor felt awful, seeing the poor little Shirley's withered face. He hurriedly opened his medical kit, took out a stethoscope and pressed it against Shirley's skinny chest.

To everyone's relief, there was no serious problem, except a slight malnutrition, and Shirley would catch up with a balanced diet. Actually, all kids were suffering from one kind of malnutrition or another, because they were growing so fast.

The doctor initially heaved a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help knitting his brows as he continued. He carefully examined the little girl several times, even asking her a couple of questions before turning to Charles, instructing him to follow him outside. "Mr. Lu, your daughter's mental condition doesn't look good to me. You may need to find a special shrink to talk with her. Hopefully, that will do her good. As I can see, her physical conditions are fine, but I'm afraid that we should pay more attention to her mental state. Have you heard about post-traumatic stress disorder? It's just my personal suggestion. I'm not a specialist, after all. What do you think? You better take your time."

Since he was unsure if Shirley was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and it was not his field of specialization, the doctor could only give Charles his suggestions to seek help from a professional shrink.

The doctor's words were a bolt from the blue to Charles. What he feared just came true. A few seconds ago, he was relieved to hear that Shirley's physical conditions were all okay. But this latest news had him falling down to the bottom of darkness again now.

If there was anything that Charles scared the most, it was that this unpleasant experience would leave a long-term shadow in Shirley's heart. Once it did, it would be hard for her to get rid of it, because it was out of sight and hearing. He couldn't imagine how his little girl would suffer, and it was killing him from inside.

Looking at the blue sky from outside the window, Charles took a deep breath. He would take any results, even the worst ones, and he would do his best to make it up to her. He would get his optimistic and lively little girl back, even if it would take a lifetime. He knew he screwed it up by letting them take her away. At her age, she should have lived in a carefree world and grow up like a proud princess, not experience how ugly world the world could get. Charles made up his mind to bring all the beautiful things this world could offer to his daughter to show her a bright future.

Turning around, he realized that the doctor was still standing behind him. He nodded to him and managed to say, "Thank you for your suggestion. I'll go and find a shrink as soon as possible."

By then, all the family members and servants in the Lu family had learned the news about Shirley's return, including Sheryl who was confined in the hospital now. Leila had texted her initially and reminded her not to forget her promise. Now that Shirley was back safe and sound, Sheryl should let go of all Leila's wrongdoings, both in the past and at present, and not tell Charles a single word about it.

As the sun rose, the bright sunshine was shining on the window and creeping into the room through tiny cracks of the curtain. The room was suddenly filled with halos, like a dream.

Everything remained still, peaceful. The alarm clock on top of the bedside table beeped to signal the start of a new hour. The quilt on the bed suddenly moved, and a head came out from under it. With hair all messy, Cassie gave her head a quick scratch.

The sudden brightness came as a shock as she emerged from under the quilt. She raised her hands to cover her eyes and stretched her body with a pleasant yawn. Opening her eyes, her mind was clear enough.

"Crap!" Cassie shouted as she jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. The sun hanging high up in the sky had told her she was late for work.

She couldn't sleep last night. She kept twisting and turning on bed while thinking of what she should say to Nick. She couldn't even remember when she finally got tired and dozed off.

She hurried to the hospital and entered the office just in time.

"Morning, Cassie! What happened to your eyes? You looked like a goldfish now!" Cora teased, the moment she sat behind her desk.

Cassie rubbed her eyes embarrassingly. Reaching out to the mirror on top of her desk, she looked at her reflection. Hardly sleeping the night before was not the only torture, but she had a hazy dream in a half-awake condition. In her dream, she was running after Nick but was unable to catch up. She run and run but to no avail. She could clearly remember how desperate she was feeling even now.

No wonder her eyes were swollen, and it was the direct retribution.

But it was a shameful story to tell her colleague. Cassie had to make up something or else Cora would keep asking. "Oh, it's nothing. I just spent the whole night binge-watching."

"Wow!" Cora exclaimed. "Tell me more! I'm right in the gap. Please tell me which one you're watching! I'll join you!" Cora could no longer hide her excitement. She flung to Cassie's desk and watched her without batting her eyelids. Cora was seriously considering binge-watching too. She just needed someone to do it with.

However, Cassie was quite occupied now, so she was in no mood to chit-chat. She excused herself from Cora, telling her that she had to make her rounds in the wards. Then she stood up and headed to the door with medical records in her hands.

Taking a deep breath, she inspected all the wards she was in charge of, and after making sure that everything was okay, she went directly to Sheryl's ward.

Nick would visit Sheryl today, and that was the real reason why she was up all night. She wished to see him there and get a chance to talk with him, hoping they could make up.


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