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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1409

Sheryl lay still in the hospital bed stretching her arm for the intra-venal to pass smoothly. However, her mind was not at peace. She knew it for sure that it was Leila who had kidnapped Shirley. Also, she was confident that she could get Shirley back this time under her deal.

The news of Shirley coming back to her first by a text message from Leila was a new elixir of life for Sheryl and later even Nancy called to congratulate her for Shirley's being safe and sound at home. Sheryl was beyond thrilled and almost jumped off her bed. In her excitement, she raised her hand that had the IV injected in it. This resulted in the needle getting moved from its place causing blood oozing out from her hand. But even the hurt did not stop her to express her excitement. Fortunately, the nurse came to help Sheryl in time and calmed her down.

"Mrs. Lu, please be more careful. If this happens again, your hand will be swollen," the nurse reminded Sheryl seriously with a concerned look on her face.

The nurse carefully readjusted the needle as she spoke to Sheryl. She didn't leave until she confirmed that the IV was set properly and there was no more blood coming out of Sheryl's hand.

"Mrs. Lu, remember to take your pills on time." Before the nurse walked out of the ward, she reminded Sheryl again.

Sheryl nodded her head at the nurse politely. She breathed a great sigh of relief after the nurse left. Sheryl cast a disgruntled glance at hand. She hated having an IV or even taking any medicine. But, the next moment, her face broke into a smile. Shirley being back home was like a prayer being answered. Sheryl had gone through the toughest time. And the bitter medicine or the IV for that matter was hardly a match for that.

Shirley coming back to the Lu family gave Sheryl a lot of strength. She was eager to get recovered as soon as possible so that she could be discharged from the hospital and go back home to see her little princess. She needed Shirley to see her in her best condition.

Sheryl was skeptical that Shirley would be disturbed if she saw her mother's pale face. Shirley was always a considerate and sensitive girl. Shirley just survived a kidnap, and Sheryl didn't want her daughter to go through another trauma.

Although Sheryl's body was in the hospital bed at the moment, her mind was back in the Dream Garden, back to her little girl. She tried her best to control her desires and wait patiently in the ward. She waited for Charles to give her the good news himself.

In the Dream Garden, Melissa burst into tears when she saw her missing granddaughter. Even she felt relieved. After all, she agreed with Leila about kidnapping Shirley at the very beginning. If Charles got to the bottom of it, he was bound to find her to be an accomplice.

If something happened to Shirley, Melissa would have had to regret for the rest of her life. Now that Shirley returned safe and sound, it was a happy ending. Everyone was happy and relieved in the Lu family.

Feeling light in her heart and excited, Melissa walked towards Shirley's bedroom with a smile on her face, wanting to check on her. She knocked on the door. Charles opened the door. He looked at her annoyed and complained, "Mom, Shirley just fell asleep. What are you doing up here?" This time Charles could not help being rude to his mother. Melissa had let him down over and over again. She had never ceased from making trouble for him and Sheryl all the time. Even when Shirley was missing, Melissa couldn't stop her dramas, adding fuel to the flames. Charles was thoroughly disappointed and had no faith left in his mother.

Melissa pouted and said, "Charles, is this the way you should talk to your mom? I am happy that Shirley is back home. I just want to see her. It has been a long time since she is gone. I have done nothing wrong."

Melissa lowered her voice as she replied to Charles. She still remembered the last time she got scolded by her son and it really scared her. So now, even though she had done nothing wrong, she dared not to defend herself and raise her voice.

But Charles didn't give a damn about Melissa. He waved his hand, gesturing for her to leave and stood straightly in front of the door, standing in Melissa's way. He didn't want anyone to interrupt Shirley, even if it was his own mother.

The next morning, although Charles didn't want to wake up Shirley, but he was afraid that she might be hungry. He hesitated for a while as he stood by her bed watching her sleep peacefully surrounded by pillows and cushions and finally decided to wake her up. He held her in his arms and came downstairs for breakfast.

He didn't know what Shirley had been through or what she ate during the entire time that she was held up by the kidnappers, so he decided to play it safe. He helped Shirley get a bowl of millet congee and fed her spoon by spoon.

Shirley told Charles she was full after a few bites and refused to eat more irrespective of how much Charles coax or cajole her. Charles looked at Shirley regretfully, feeling sorry for his little baby.


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