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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1428

After the bartender saw how crazy the woman was, he had no idea how to deal with her. All he could do was ask again, "Miss, where do you live? You must have someplace to go."

'She's well-dressed. Her clothes look classy. There's no way she's poor. She's got to be from a rich family. Must be nice to lead such a life, ' the bartender thought to himself.


Where do I live? I have no place to go… No place…" the woman said, laughing to herself as if almost driven to insanity. "Leila, you have no place to go. What a poor girl!"

'Leila?' the bartender thought to himself. 'Perhaps…

Is that her name?' he wondered.

'But I still don't know where she lives. What on earth am I going to do with her?' he asked himself in his mind.

"Miss, how about I offer you another free drink. Then I can bring you home, alright?" he offered. At that moment, a wide and strong man arrived to sit beside her.

"You…you stay away from me!" Leila shouted. Although she was already completely drunk, she could still tell a friend's hand from a stranger's—she knew well enough to resist the man.

Upon seeing the arrival, the bartender couldn't help but sigh in defeat, looking like he felt so unlucky to be caught in the situation.

"Mr. Liu, it's been a long time since you came here. What do you want? It's my treat," he said to the fat man hurriedly as if he was too afraid to forget being respectful.

'Wood Liu is a tough one. I shouldn't do anything that could make him unhappy or I'm dead. He's a police officer—he has too much power. I wouldn't dare mess with someone like this, ' the bartender told himself.

Looking at the bartender in disdain, Wood Liu only sneered, playfully asking, "Have I ever paid you for any drinks?"

"No, never. It's my pleasure to pay for you. It's only natural for you to drink whatever you want here. You always honor us by coming to our bar," the bartender responded quickly.

"That's right." With that, Wood Liu put his hand on Leila's arm—she was wearing a sleeveless dress and her arms were exposed.

"Your skin is white and smooth like silk. When I touch it, I feel like I'm touching high-class material. It's nice," he smiled in spite of the fact that he was obviously making her uncomfortable. Not even the bartender could say anything as he watched.

At that time, the bartender only hoped that Leila would fully wake up on her own. At the very least, she could fight back and resist him a little.

However, Leila was falling deeper and deeper into her drunk state, unable to even clearly see who was in front of her, nor conscious enough to resist him.

Seeing her condition, Wood Liu felt like it was his lucky day to have met such a gorgeous woman at the bar. While he could easily pick up other beautiful women for free, he stubbornly wanted to get Leila's attention.

"Hey, beauty. Let me send you home," he said as he held her up, having her lean on him like they were any other couples. With that, they left the bar together.

Having witnessed all sorts of things happen at the bar, the bartender was worried for the woman, unable to do anything about it.

As Wood Liu rushed to get a room at a hotel nearby, he bumped into a person at the gate.

And Leila nearly fell to the floor.

"Who the hell are you? Do you have any idea who I am?"

Holding Leila up once again, Wood Liu began sounding enraged.

At the next moment, however, he was so shocked that his mouth fell open—he was stunned speechless.


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