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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1501

"Wait!" Charles suddenly exclaimed as he held Sheryl's hand and slightly shook his head at her. Then, he turned to Shirley and softly said, "Shirley, Dad and Mom are here. We believe that you can do it. Remember what I told you when you need to put your clothes on? Just relax. Don't be nervous. We are always here, watching you. Come on, take a deep breath. It will be just fine. Pull now your shirt over your head..."

And the words became magic! Shirley calmed down and stopped crying. She started to move and followed what her daddy said. Putting on her serious face, she concentrated on inserting her head in the shirt. Finally, her head came out.

Then, she continued with inserting her arms. As she stretched them out, they popped out from the sleeves.

"Wow! It's amazing! I finally learned how to put on my clothes on my own. It is really so easy after all!" Shirley said so happily as she jumped up and down. She even started dancing. She thought what she felt right at that moment was way better than getting her birthday presents.

For her, what she learned was something so meaningful. 'I can put on my own clothes now, just like how Clark does! It is so great!' she thought to herself.

"Wow! You did great! A thumb-up for your success!" And Clark gave the sign and pointed it at the middle of Shirley's forehead as a compliment.

"Thank you, Clark," Shirley said happily.

Watching Shirley smiling widely, Sheryl finally got relieved.

She nearly assisted Shirley in the middle of her attempt in putting her clothes on. It was lucky that Charles stopped her, or else, she wouldn't know when Shirley would be able to do it on her own.

Upon that thought, Sheryl automatically turned around and looked at Charles. Charles was also looking at her. Their eyes met. And suddenly, Sheryl felt heart beat faster. Feeling her face turn red, she looked away abruptly.

'Oh my God! I've been married to this man for so long. We even have two kids. Why does my heart beat so fast whenever I look at his handsome face? Why do I still feel like a teenager after all these years?

I must be insane!' Sheryl thought to herself.

Trying to cover up her feelings from Charles, Sheryl called the children. "Come on, Clark and Shirley. Let's eat breakfast."

Clark and Shirley followed her as she walked towards the door. Hesitantly, she looked back at Charles and said, "Let's go and have some breakfast."

Then, she quickly went on her way without looking at him a second more. She went down with the children following her.

In the dining room, Nancy already set up the table. The breakfast was hot and smelled delicious. Sheryl didn't need to taste it for she knew from its appearance that it was going to be delectable.

"Wow! You cooked my favorite poached egg! That is surely delicious!" Shirley saw first what was on the table. And the moment she saw her favorite prepped by Nancy, her happiness shone brightly again that she started her special dance once again.

Nancy was walking out of the kitchen when she heard Shirley's words. She smiled and said, "Sher, please sit Shirley and Clark to have their breakfast."

"Thank you, Nancy," Sheryl appreciatively said.

As a hired helper of the Lu family, Nancy thought of a lot of ways to please the children by making them delicious foods that they would surely like. It was not an easy thing to do and Sheryl could see her hard work. As an added bonus to Sheryl, Nancy was very nice to the whole family. For that, Sheryl was so grateful and considered Nancy as a blessing to them.

"Hush! It's nothing," Nancy responded smilingly. "I don't have any other skills to help you, but I'm good at cooking. I am happy when I see the children growing up healthy and strong. That is why I cook everything nutritious that they will surely eat."

"Clark and Shirley, did you hear that? Nancy prepares such good breakfast for you. So, you should eat all of it for her, all right?" Sheryl said to the children.


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