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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1509

"You go first, Sher. Is there something you want to tell me?" Charles murmured tenderly, his eyes focusing on her attentively.

Sheryl raised her hand and started to caress the hair on his temple. For a while now, she had been thinking of what to tell him, but now she felt all the words were powerless. She loved this man, and he loved her. That was the most important thing.

"Nothing. I just…" She hesitated, looking him in the eye.

"You what?" Charles pushed her deliberately, but she moved closer, close enough for him to sense all her love and allow it to melt his heart.

Charles' hot breath swept over Sheryl's cheeks, making her heart bounced wildly inside her chest. She was naturally a graceful person, and seldom felt embarrassed. But now she was nervous to death, which seemed ridiculous. Charles was the most familiar man to her, and he respected her in every aspect. She was guilty of treating him wrongly the last two days. The things that happened in their household were all Melisa's fault, and it had nothing to do with him. And now, Charles might think that she was making a fuss out of nothing.

Truth to be told, she thought the same way about herself. She felt like she was a little girl who kept making noises to catch the grown-up's attention, and of course, Charles was that grown-up she depended on.

"Honey?" Charles whispered. He then let out a deep sigh and rubbed his chin against her head, holding her even tighter. He knew exactly what was running on her mind. Calamity is man's touchstone. Right now, he was just glad that she was safe and sound.

"Please don't be mad at me again! I love you more than anything in this world. I respect all your decisions, even if sometimes I don't agree with them."

Sheryl sank deeper in his arms, tears welling up in her eyes. She had always known that Charles wouldn't say any bad words about her because he loved her, and that was why she felt secured no matter what she had done.

"Since that's all in the past, then why do you still feel tensed around me? Let's move on and focus on the bright future ahead of us." Charles held her face and kissed her. "You're my wife, the one I want to share my life with. We have two adorable kids. You have no idea how thankful I am for that. Both of us will make mistakes, but I promise I won't blame you and will always take your side. If I realize that I'm wrong, I'll review it myself and try my best to make it up to you. Please give me some time when that happens. Please always remember that I love you and I will never do anything to hurt you. Don't doubt my love, my darling!" Charles said slowly.

Listening to Charles, Sheryl felt like she was floating with the clouds. It was a brand new feeling that she had never experienced before. Charles was not a honeyed-tongued man or a sweet-talker, and he believed that actions spoke louder than words. Thus, it was hard for her to make herself get used to this version of Charles.

She smiled as an idea crossed her mind. She wondered whether she should record it as a souvenir.

She burst into laughter at her stupid thought.

She couldn't connect Charles' usual poker face with the man who was passionately whispering into her ears now. It was a sharp contrast.

"Why are you laughing, my lady? Do you think I'm funny?" Charles pressed his nose against hers, leaving her no space to dodge.

Sheryl tipped to get away from him, enjoying his childish trick. Resting her head on his shoulder, she felt completely relaxed. "Looking back on these passing days, it was all like a dream. I just want to say thank you, Charles, for everything. I can't even count how many things you've done for me," she exclaimed.

She meant it. She sincerely appreciated Charles' unwavering support, making her felt she was the happiest woman in this world. There wouldn't be anything luckier than loving and being loved by the same man, especially when he could respect and tolerate anything she did.

"Silly you!" Charles answered, pinching her nose. "You're my woman, and taking care of you is what I'm supposed to do."

By then, Sheryl couldn't take it anymore. Tears were already dripping down from her eyes. She complained why her life was full of troubles, but at the same time, she couldn't be any luckier to have a great man like Charles around. She sighed that she had realized it now, before it was too late.

Charles didn't ask why she was crying, and he just held her, constantly touching her back. After a long silence, Sheryl then raised her head and asked curiously, "Why are you home so early today? Is it okay for you not to work?"

"I bet they can somewhat manage without me. Otherwise, I need to ask myself whether it's worthwhile to pay high wages to my employees," he joked, as a matter of course, as if he would confront them right away.


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