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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1510

Charles nodded. "We also need to get evidence. We can't go to the police if we don't have proof because that's all they'll take. It's also the only way to know who the people are behind Lancy."

"You get the point," Sheryl said, annoyed.

It was still early so they decided to go to the police right away. After following routine and protocol, the officers told them, "Mr. and Mrs. Lu, thank you for your cooperation. Our suspect asked to see you before giving her confession. What do you think?"

Sheryl felt her heart slightly jump at this, because she didn't know what to think of this crazy woman who was yet to be trusted.

She quickly glanced at Charles before answering, "Sounds fine to us. Did she mention why she wanted to see us?"

"Nope, she didn't talk that much. She was just waiting for you guys, I think," the officer replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Sheryl agreed. "All right. Let's go. I hope we can be of a little help."

Even though she didn't really want to see Lancy anymore lest she be reminded of what happened on the roof, she figured it was better for her to get some closure from Lancy by asking what really happened. Besides, Sheryl wasn't planning on making things worse, because she wasn't like that.

The visiting room was divided into two by a translucent glass. The visitors and the inmates sat on either side. There were phones so that they could talk to each other. Sheryl sat on one side with Charles next to her while Lancy sat on the other.

"They told me that you wanted to see us. Well, we're here," Sheryl said flatly.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Xia!" Lancy blurted out, fixing her gaze at Sheryl.

Sheryl let out a heavy sigh. To her, Lancy was an idiot. She could still remember all the stupid things she'd done and said. She recalled how this woman almost dragged her off the roof of the hospital building. Lancy had traumatized Sheryl so much that an apology just wasn't enough.

A single apology just wouldn't do it no matter how hard Lancy begged.

Sheryl was quiet for a while just looking into Lancy's eyes before she said, "If you're here to ask for my forgiveness, I can't give that to you and that means we're done here. I'm not accepting your apology and we're leaving now."

Lancy, however, didn't give up. Instead, she cracked a bitter smile. "Thank you for coming here today, Ms. Xia. I know what I did was unforgivable but I didn't have a choice."

"Yeah, okay. You have a troubled past and you went through a lot, but none of that is the reason for you to have tried to kill me," Sheryl spat.

"Ms. Xia, you don't know what it's like. We have completely different lives. I guess you've gotten used to your quiet and peaceful life. You must have no idea what it's like for people like me. I mean, we can afford a place to live, eat three times a day, and occasionally eat out. But if we get sick, that's it for us. We don't have money for that. The two of us worked hard to make a decent living here, but everything fell apart when Jarvis got sick. At first, we thought it was nothing and he would get better soon. He's so young! Who would've figured that he'd get sick like that? I can't even begin to tell you what we went through from there..." she said, sobbing, closing her eyes, and shaking her head.

While Sheryl felt sorry for Lancy, that didn't mean that she'd already forgiven her too.

Life wasn't easy for anyone. Lancy must have assumed that Sheryl didn't have any problems, but she had no idea what Sheryl had gone through and was going through. Life treated everyone equally. Everyone wins some and everyone loses some.

Lancy took a deep breath and continued, "Jarvis was the best thing that ever happened to me. He made me so happy. It was amazing to love and be loved by the same man. He treated me so well. He did everything for me and he always made sure I was safe. When he was sick, he asked me to leave him but I didn't. I did whatever I could to come up with the money for his treatments. I took every job and I slept with men just to save his life..."

She paused as tears fell from her eyes. "I blamed God. Why would he do that to us? Why did it have to happen to Jarvis? It was unfair. Who knows? No one knows! Why does a good man like Jarvis have to die?"


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