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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1520

Nick couldn't get his mind off what the man had just said. Suddenly, something occurred to him and the word "palpitation" jumped to mind.

Which department did people go to if they had a palpitation?

Nick didn't have an answer to that question. He looked around, trying to find a nurse so he could ask but then he heard a familiar sound behind him.

"Nick, what are you doing here?"

Nick became excited when he heard the voice. It was Cassie. He turned around immediately. Cassie worked here so she must know the answer.

"Cassie!" Nick ran to Cassie, immediately grabbed her hands and asked her anxiously, "Which department should I go to if I had a palpitation, Cassie?"

Cassie was confused at Nick's question. She stood still for a while, not knowing what was happening.

But Nick was so anxious to know so when Cassie didn't respond, he pressed her, "Tell me, Cassie. Where do I go?"

"Palpitation is a heart disease so you should go to the Cardiovascular Department," Cassie answered.

"Cardiovascular?" Nick repeated. "Thank you so much, Cassie."

Nick turned around, ready to leave. But then he realized that he didn't know which floor that was so he asked Cassie again, "Which floor is the Cardiovascular Department on?"

"Fifth," answered Cassie. Cassie grabbed Nick's arm just as he was heading to the elevator. "Wait, Nick. I'll go with you."

Cassie assumed that it was Nick who was sick so she thought it would be better if she accompanied him since she worked here and she was worried about him.

But Nick just shook his head and rejected Cassie immediately. "I appreciate it, Cassie. But you can't go with me."

"I know the hospital. Let me go with you. I'm worried about you," Cassie insisted.

Nick looked at Cassie. He didn't want to put Cassie at risk. After all, right now he was looking for a man who might be a murderer. He didn't want Cassie to be in danger and he had no control over what the murderer might do.

Nick hesitated, wondering how he could explain the situation to Cassie without making her worry. Before he could come up with a proper explanation, Cassie was already leading him to the elevator. "Just let me go with you. I can guide you and it will save you a lot of time. Weren't you anxious earlier?"

Nick thought about this and realized she was right. He decided he would just ask Cassie to leave once he had found the man.

They walked into the elevator and arrived on the fifth floor. Cassie took Nick directly to the Cardiovascular Department.

"This is it," said Cassie.

Nick looked inside the department and saw a hallway. There were a lot of wards in the hallway and in the middle were several exits.

Nick knew that he couldn't stop the man from running away if he acted alone so he needed to be careful. He couldn't afford to be rash for fear that the man would know he was there.

So Nick gestured for Cassie to wait before he walked to the counter.

"Have you seen a man about this tall and he was wearing black sunglasses, ma'am? He came with a woman, possibly carrying her in his arms," Nick said to the nurse.

The nurse didn't know what he was talking about. She received thousands of patients every day. How was she supposed to remember any of them?

"Sir, if you're looking for someone, you can go to the first floor and ask the staff there. I don't know who you're referring to. I'm not the one you ask if you're looking for people," the nurse said impatiently.

She was working around the clock and absolutely had no time to deal with Nick.

Nick got more worried, so he continued, "Please help me. It's really important to me. I have to find him."

"You're not making any sense, sir. I told you I didn't know who you were referring to. Thousands of patients come in and out of here every day. I can't possibly remember them. I really don't know who you're talking about," the nurse said, raising her voice.


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