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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1521

Cassie started to worry about Nick. She wanted to follow the direction that Nick had been heading for, but she was also worried that Nick would come back soon. So she decided to wait for him where he'd left her.

"Officers, Nick headed there to chase the culprit. Could you look for him in that direction? He asked me to wait here," Cassie said to the police.

The police nodded and ran to the direction that Cassie pointed to.

As time passed, Cassie got more and more anxious as she waited, unable to do anything.

She prayed to God to bless Nick. If someone must bear misfortune, let it be her instead of Nick.

Soon, Cassie waited until it was time to knock off. But Nick and the police officers still hadn't come back.

Cassie became desperate. She had a gut feeling that something must have happened to Nick. Otherwise they should have come back already.

Cassie couldn't stand still any longer at the thought of it. When she was about to dash to look for them, a police officer came over.

"Officer, what..."

The police officer didn't let her finish her sentence. "Nick's injured. He's in the emergency room right now. Follow me," he said urgently.

Cassie's face turned white as a sheet. That was the last thing she wanted.

"Let's go," Cassie said, wasting no time.

'God! Please save Nick! Be safe, Nick!'

Cassie prayed in her heart as they ran to the ER. She only hoped that Nick's injury wasn't so bad and that he could still recover.

When she finally reached the emergency room, she found that the doors were closed. Nick was still in surgery.

Outside the operating room, Cassie waited restlessly. She paced back and forth unable to keep still.

When a police officer noticed how worried she was, he walked over to her. "Nick just got a deep cut so he bled, but it isn't anything deadly, Miss Li. You don't have to worry too much."

"How did he get injured?" Cassie asked immediately.

"We followed the path but didn't see Nick or the culprit you mentioned. We continued searching and found some blood stains on the floor. We followed the blood path until we found Nick. He was lying unconsciously in a doorway," the police explained.

"Did you see the culprit?" Cassie asked.

The police shook his head and said, "No. The culprit had gone already when we arrived. He must have escaped after he attacked Nick. When we saw Nick, he was lying in a pool of his own blood. It looked like he'd been there for a while. He definitely wasn't just attacked."

All the blood had run out from Cassie's face. It didn't bode well with her that Nick had been attacked.

What if the police didn't find him in time? What if they were too late? Then Nick would...

'Oh my God!' Cassie's heart twisted at just the thought of it.

"Anyway, thank you, officers. Thanks for saving him," Cassie said sincerely.


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