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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1522

Nick shook his head and said, "The man who attacked me wasn't the man I was looking for, Cassie. I don't know where it went wrong but I think I was going after the wrong guy."

"What? That doesn't make any sense. If he was the wrong guy, why did he attack you? Did he say anything?" Cassie asked, also confused.

"That's the weird part. I think he was the man I ran into before. I chased after him and he ran. He stopped and turned around. Then I realized that I must have mistaken him for someone else. I stopped and I was about to explain but then he took his knife and stabbed me. Then he ran away," Nick narrated.

"Yeah, that's weird. If it had nothing to do with him, he could've asked you instead of running away," Cassie inferred.

Nick nodded, "Yeah, he ran so fast when I was chasing after him. I think he's here as a cover for the man I'm really after. That's the only way this makes sense."

"Did you see his face?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah, I did. Very clearly, " Nick replied.

"We have CCTV here so the cameras must have caught him. The police can identify him from there," Cassie suggested.

"Yeah, maybe. I should have caught him, Cassie. I hate myself for not being able to. He was just in the doctor's room with this woman, but I chased after the wrong guy. It was ridiculous, Cassie. How could I make such a stupid mistake? Now they're getting away because of me. I'll never have the chance to see him again." Nick punched his bed, frustrated. After a few moments, his eyes lit up and he gripped Cassie's hand tightly. "Did you see a man wearing a mask and a pair of black sunglasses? With a woman?"

"A man wearing a mask and black sunglasses?" Cassie murmured, searching her mind.

"The woman was suffering from palpitation. She was too weak to walk by herself so they couldn't run or anything. They must have left the hospital pretending to be just ordinary patients. The man was probably being very sweet to the woman. They probably look like husband and wife," Nick explained.

"Oh, I saw them!" Cassie shouted. The couple she saw suddenly came into her mind. She remembered admiring them because the man was being so sweet to the woman. It must be them.

She hurried told Nick this.

"Right! It was them!" Nick exclaimed, grinding his teeth.

"What can we do now? They're long gone!" Cassie said. She was finding it pretty hard to believe that she'd seen them with her own two eyes and she'd just let them pass by.

"We can't do anything anymore. I can't believe I just let them get away. When will I get this chance again? I really wanted to do something for Sheryl," Nick said, coughing.

Cassie rubbed his back and helped him lie down. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Nick. You're still recovering. Stop overthinking it. What's done is done. I think we can still help Sheryl in some other way. What you need to do now is rest."

Nick smiled at her and said, "I know. Thank you for taking care of me, Cassie. It seems that we've spent most of our time together in the hospital. It's always nice to be around you."

Cassie beamed at him. She did want to spend more time with him outside of the hospital. Since Nick had mentioned, the hospital was where they first met too. When they started dating, they spent most of their time here because she worked her and Nick needed to stay in the hospital too.

That was how it worked for the two of them and she truly believed that they were destined for one another.

Nick then closed his eyes to take a nap but soon after, they heard a knock on the door.

Cassie walked quietly to the door to answer it, afraid to wake up Nick.

It was Sheryl coming to visit Nick. Cassie let her in, closing the door behind them.


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