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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1531

"Look, I was sort of busy in the last few days, and I might have neglected you. Please don't be mad at me. I promise I'll make up to you for that." Melissa looked into Leila's eyes as she spoke.

"Oh, I believe you didn't get time to have your meal. Please take some food with me," Melissa said and took two pairs of chopsticks, passing one pair to Leila.

Although she had had something before taking her nap, she was hungry all over again now and dug into the meal regardless of her image in front Leila. After all, it was more important to fill the belly.

After a span of silence as they got engrossed in the food, Melissa lifted her head and observed Leila having her food silently. "Leila, I don't mean to offend you, but where did you get the three million bucks?" Melissa blurted out all of a sudden. Melissa had been too obsessed with her own business after she was set free. She was well aware of Leila's financial conditions, and there was absolutely no means for her to get such a large amount in such a short period. Even though Melissa was grateful to Leila, still she wanted to know the truth.

Leila kept chewing her food as she heard Melissa speak. Then she raised her head and smiled politely. She had prepared to answer this question before she came to meet Melissa. Hence Leila presented a perfect story before Melissa.

"You know that I'm running an underwear store now, right? The business has taken up well and a rich woman happened to invest her money in it. I'll pay her back little by little later," Leila explained seriously.

Somehow, Melissa was convinced by her story. It never occurred to her to speculate on the fact that how Leila got to meet such nice people who were ready to help her with such hefty sum of money and that it was too easily. Rather, Melissa was indeed impressed with Leila now. Earlier, she had taken Leila to be a useless fellow as she could not execute any of Melissa's plans properly. She even failed to get closer with Charles even as a friend. Yet now, she had obtained three million overnight! Melissa deduced that Leila was capable of dealing with rich people and it would help Melissa a lot when they returned to the Dream Garden.

At the same time, Melissa was increasingly repentant for mercilessly kicking Leila out of Dream Garden. After Leila moved out, she could hardly do much in the house and no one took her seriously. Even the kids began to neglect her, let alone Charles and Sheryl. She had a really tough time.

The moment the thought of Dream Garden came to Melissa's mind, Sheryl's face flashed in front of her eyes that made her cringe her face. No matter how tasty the food, the faintest remembrance of Sheryl and her indifferent smile was enough to make it all sour. Her breathing quickened and the throbbing headache started to take a toll on her all over again. Sheryl could get on her nerves at any minute.

Melissa took a few deep breaths to calm down. Yet, her eyes turned gloomy as she thought how lonely she was in Dream Garden. Thus, she made up her mind to persuade Leila to move back with her.

Then she turned to Leila and asked earnestly, "Leila, will you do me a favor? I'd like you to move back to our house once again."

The words uttered by Melissa felt like the sweetest and the most desirable thing that Leila could expect to happen to herself. Melissa's request for her to move back to Dream Garden was an unexpected piece of good fortune for her. She had been racking her wits as to how to make her way back to it. She was so overwhelmed that her heart was beating wildly.

But she presented a very calm and composed look on her face. She replied, "Of course I'd love to, but I don't know how Charles and Sheryl will take it."

She bit her lips with an awkward expression on her face.

"Leave it to me. That's my job. I want you to stay with me, and I don't care whether they're happy or not. Don't worry about that," Melissa assured Leila.

"Aunt Melissa, I know you're nice to me, but please don't argue with them for me, especially Sheryl. She has a problem with me for a long time and it's not easy for us to shake hands. I don't want you to get into trouble for me. And besides, I can't afford to be kicked out of your house over and over again. It's so humiliating. I hope you understand." Leila shook her head reluctantly stretching her lips into a bitter slime.

Melissa patted on her shoulders to make her feel better and said, "Please leave all that to me. I'll figure it out. I promise I'll make them agree as soon as possible. Please wait for my good news!"

Melissa looked determined. She knew that she would face objection from Sheryl. It wouldn't be easy to make her accept Leila once again inside Dream Garden. But Melissa needed not to take her advice seriously. She would find a way to convince Charles. After all, she and Charles were bounded by blood, not Sheryl. Charles would not be able to refuse her.

"Aunt Melisa, yes, I would love to move back, but please don't take the trouble of confronting Sheryl. I know how you two get along." Leila's eyes turned gloomy the moment she finished her words. The look on her delicate face melted Melissa's heart.

She could not help blame herself for not being able to do enough to make sure that Leila found a permanent home in Dream Garden. At the same time, she hated Sheryl all the more. If Sheryl was a little more open-minded, all these wouldn't have happened. The more Melissa thought about it, the stronger her motivation to go home at the earliest and confront her daughter-in-law just grew.


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