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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1532

In the Hu mansion, Rex had just gotten home from his dinner party. While he reeked of alcohol, he was still completely sober.

Black had waited for his father the whole day. When he heard some shuffling noise, he came downstairs immediately.

"Dad, who did you drink with? It's so late." Black assisted his father by holding him by his arms as he guided him towards the sofa in the living room.

Rex just waved his hand and said, "No big deal. I can handle my alcohol. You know who you should be concerned about? Your uncle! He was so drunk he couldn't even get home by himself! But me? I'm fine. I can still have another drink if I want to!"

Amused by Rex's inebriation, Black asked a maid to bring Rex a cup of tea. He wasn't used to seeing his father this drunk.

Rex rested his head on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Black took a seat next to his father. For a while, none of them said anything for Black didn't know how to tell his father about what was bothering his mind.

After a few moments, the maid came back with the cup of tea in hand. She handed it to Black who in turn handed it to his father.

When Rex had sobered up, Black had finally mustered up the courage to speak, "Dad, I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" Rex said as he rubbed the skin between his eyebrows with his fingers.

"Well, I've been seeing Holley, so technically, she's my girlfriend and that makes her part of the family, right? If she's in any trouble, we're supposed to help her, right? Since we're family and all."

Rex glowered as soon as Black mentioned Holley. He wasn't very pleased about the idea that Black was defending such a woman.

"Just because I don't care what goes on between the two of you doesn't mean I don't know what's happening. I just don't see what you see in her. She obviously isn't your type and she definitely doesn't fit our standards. She isn't fit to be part of the Hu family."

Black became furious at this. He couldn't believe that his own father could talk this way about his girlfriend.

"Dad, please don't talk about Holley like that. She's my girlfriend and I love her."

Rex chuckled. "You love her? What about her? Does she love you? Does she love you the way that you love her? I've seen a lot of women like that, Black. I know you don't want to hear this but you have to. I'm the only one who's going to tell you this but she's only dating you for your money and for the power our family has."

Black found this hard to believe because whenever he and Holley spent time together, he could feel how much Holley truly loved him. His father was just being cynical as usual.

"You don't believe me?"' Rex shot back when he saw the look on Black's face.

Black responded firmly, "Yes, I don't believe you. I know Holley. I know what kind of person she is and she isn't what you're saying her to be. She isn't a gold-digger."

"Oh, son. You're so naive. Too naive." Rex clicked his tongue when he spoke, "Let's make a bet then. If you win, I'll help her. What do you say?"

"Make a bet? What kind of bet?" Black asked in confusion.

"Let's see if Holley really loves you or if she's just in it for the money," Rex answered confidently.

Black hesitated for a while. Even though he said that he felt that Holley really loved him, he really didn't know if that was true. He didn't have that much confidence in his relationship like he was letting on.

However, if Black didn't agree to the bet then Rex wouldn't help Holley at all. But if he did then at least, there would be a chance. It was worth a shot. What would he have to lose?

After giving it a thought, Black nodded. "Okay, I'm in. Keep your word, okay?"


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