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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1552

"Sheryl, what's wrong? What happened to you?" Isla asked with anxiety as she looked at the devastated expression on Sheryl's face. She put down the snack that she was about to take a bite and sprang up from her seat. Sheryl looked as if she had just survived a storm. Her eyes revealed that on the inside she was broken into bits. Isla's heart sank at the sight of it.

Sheryl felt sorry for ruining Isla's delighted mood. But Isla being her best friend, she couldn't pretend to be normal in front of her either. Hence, just to make sure that Isla didn't get too worried, Sheryl simply shook her head and replied, "Nothing. I just fought with Charles." However, her voice creaked as she spoke, completely betraying her intentions to make it sound casual.

"It's not so simple, Sher! You have had fights before, but I've never seen you so desperate and sad like that. Am I still your best friend? Tell me what happened now!" Isla said in a solemn tone. Looking at Sheryl's face, she couldn't help worrying about her.

Sheryl knew that she had to give in. Isla being the kind of girl she was, she would not let the matter rest until she got to the root of it. Besides, how long would Sheryl be able to hide it? Hence, Sheryl mustered up her courage and told everything to Isla.

As Isla listened to Sheryl, she was totally aghast. Her mouth went wide open and her eyes were dilated. "What did you just say?" Isla asked in utter disbelief. It took her a few moments to internalize what she had just heard. And after that, she flared up like a fireball. Had Leila been there in front of her at that moment, she would have been dead meat.

Sheryl continued in a broken voice, "Maybe it is my fate to be abandoned by all of my family. I had thought that I could live happily with Charles till the end of my life, but who knows Leila would ruin everything like this!" Sheryl tried to hold her emotions in as she blamed fate for everything. She felt her eyes prickling, but she restrained herself from crying.

Sheryl closed her eyes shut to hold back her tears, and heaved a sigh to regain her composure. Then she looked at Isla and gave her a bitter smile. She shook her head, trying to shake it off. At this point, she even hoped that she could lose her memory.

However, no matter how much she tried to gather herself, nothing seemed to help. The despair and desperation that were tearing Sheryl apart could not evade Isla's eyes no matter how she tried to disguise it with an indifferent attitude. But she really didn't know how to comfort Sheryl. Isla knew that there was no cure for her at the moment.

"Sher, is it possible that there is a mistake in our understanding of what actually happened between Charles and Leila? Maybe you should listen to Charles' explanation first," Isla said probingly. After all, Isla was not in Sheryl's position. She didn't know exactly what happened. She hoped that Sheryl could figure out everything before she made a decision.

However, Sheryl shook her head. Every time when she recalled the scene, her heart bled.

"Isla, you know what? What do you think they are doing when a man and a woman embrace each other, naked in bed? What would you do if the man were Aron?" As soon as Sheryl asked that question, Isla stopped giving the benefit of the doubt to Charles. If she were in Sheryl's position, she would never forgive Aron.

"Damn it! Charles, you are courting death!" Isla just stood up and rolled up her sleeves, ready to come for Charles.

"What are you doing, Isla? Are you going to fight him?" Sheryl screamed. She freaked out and grasped Isla's arms.

Sheryl's stopping her like this infuriated Isla all the more. "Sher, are you still going to tolerate this even after he cheated on you?"

"No, I've decided to divorce him already. I don't want to have anything to do with him or Leila!" Sheryl shouted out, venting out her frustration.

Isla gaped at Sheryl in utter disbelief as she heard that Sheryl wanted to divorce Charles. As the entire situation unraveled bit by bit, Isla found it difficult to believe how her friend's life just crumbled to bits overnight.

"Don't look at me like that. I will divorce him sooner or later," Sheryl said in a stern voice. As soon as Sheryl finished speaking and before Isla could say anything, her assistant burst in, "Ms. Xia, Mr. Lu is here!" She awkwardly pointed to the reception desk.

"Haven't I told you that if he shows up, just tell him that I'm not here?" Sheryl snapped at her angrily. At this point in time, Sheryl could not even tolerate hearing his name.

Her assistant bit her lips and replied hesitantly, "Yes, I told him so. Yet, Mr. Lu insisted that you were here. He is absolutely resolute that he wants to meet you. I...I couldn't stop him!"

Seeing her perplexed expression, Sheryl knew that it was not her fault. Charles must have realized that the only place she could be at the moment was her company. He couldn't be sent away so easily.

"Sher, don't worry. I'll confront him. I'd like to see what he wants to do after doing such a shameless deed!" Isla comforted her and then dashed out. Isla knew that Sheryl didn't want to face Charles at the moment, nor was she in the right mental state to do so. As her friend, Isla had to step up and deal with him.


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