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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1553

Isla's sore words and aggressive attitude caused Charles a great amount of grief. He closed his eyes for a second and heaved a deep breath. He was not the kind of man who expected everyone to understand him. Since he only cared about Sheryl, he would put in the effort of explaining everything to her, but he wasn't going to afford Isla the same treatment even though her words carried a lot of weight with Sheryl.

"I've got nothing to do with that woman. Please stop thinking in that way about me," Charles said, rubbing his temple.

"What way? Then why does she keep showing up in your house?" Isla refuted directly.

"Look, I'll explain everything to my wife myself. Please leave us alone." Charles tried to walk away, hoping to find Sheryl again.

However, Isla blocked his way again. She crossed her hands over her chest and looked at him from toe to head. "Mr. Lu, pardon me for speaking frankly. I suppose you need to get rid of Ms. Zhang before going to Sheryl."

"I will and I don't need you to tell me what to do." Charles' headache was driving him crazy.

He knew that Isla was just being hard on him for the sake of her best friend. Although he was starting to lose his patience, a part of him felt relieved to see how much Isla cared for Sheryl.

He sighed inwardly for not being able to check up on how Sheryl was doing.

At the same time, deep in his heart he knew that Sheryl wouldn't talk to him if she was right here right now.

His mind wandered back and forth on what to do, and then he finally decided to give up. The only thing he could do was wait for Sheryl to calm down.

"Fine. I'm leaving. Since she doesn't want to see me, I'll explain to her later. Please take care of her for me. Call me if she needs anything," Charles said sincerely.

Isla, however, was deeply annoyed at him for giving up so easily, mistakenly assuming that Charles was leaving because he felt guilty to confront Sheryl. "Save it! I'll take good care of Sheryl and the kids, but not for your sake!" she yelled at him.

Having never been shouted at like that, Charles put on a long face immediately, but he had to take it. Isla was Sheryl's friend, and it would be unreasonable of him to offend her now. Maybe he would need her help later.

He pressed his lips together tightly and turned around without uttering another word.

Isla watched him leave and then went up to their office.

Sheryl was sitting on her chair and waiting patiently, her mind as still water.

She looked at the door when she heard it open from the other side and found that it was Isla.

"Were you expecting Mr. Lu? Well, I am sorry to disappoint you!" Isla shouted, assuming that Sheryl was still thinking about Charles and would forgive him eventually.

Sheryl shook her head slowly, the hope fading away in her heart. Stubborn and reluctant to admit her true feelings, Sheryl forced a bitter smile and said, "Of course not. I can't face him now. I know we need to talk about a lot of things, but I just can't. At least, not right now."

"Look at you!" Isla came over and patted on Sheryl's shoulders. "I know this must be hard to take, but I'm here. I'll always be here for you. Look, I'm very disappointed in your husband. It feels wrong to say this, but perhaps he has shifted his affection towards that woman…"

"Stop! I don't want to hear anything about them." Sheryl raised her hand towards Isla, indicating her to stop, as feelings of despair engulfed her from within.

"Okay, but listen, you have to face him as soon as possible. The longer you drag this on, the more painful it will be for you, my dear friend!" Isla gave her a hug and then walked out of the office, leaving Sheryl to her thoughts.

Afterwards, Sheryl spent the entire day occupying her mind with her work and putting all the other things at the back of her mind while the kids enjoyed a good time on the rooftop.

When she finally took a break from her work, she called Isla to come over.

"Isla, I need your help. Please find a place for the kids and me. I'm moving out with them," she said directly, without pause or hesitation.

"Are you sure about this? It feels like you're making a rash decision." Isla thought that Sheryl didn't want to see Charles because she was acting out of anger, but now it seemed as though Sheryl was dead serious.

"I'm tired, Isla. Perhaps spending some time apart from him will be good for me," murmured Sheryl. Her face was pale and she looked into Isla eyes to show her determination.

Isla was taken aback. She understood that Sheryl was deeply hurt by Charles' infidelity, but she never expected that Sheryl would want to take the kids and move out. Although she argued with Charles as if he was unforgivable, it didn't mean that she wished for them to separate.

"You need to reconsider it. Don't rush into any decision," said Isla. Sheryl was the kind of person who believed in her decisions, and as long as her mind was made up, it would be near impossible to change her stance on anything.


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