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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1569

"I want Charles' reputation ruined. I want him to be haunted by this forever! I want him to have to live with this for the rest of his life!" Ferry cursed as a hideous look appeared on his face. His voice was sharp like a knife, and sent a chill down her spine.

"What will you get if you do that?" Sheryl asked calmly. She tried her best to stay composed to appease Ferry's anger.

"Well, I don't really get anything in return, but as long as it hurts you, then I'll be happy! Sheryl, don't you see? All I want is for you to suffer. You shouldn't ever forget that! You owe me and you're going to pay for it!" Ferry said with a wicked smile. He grabbed Sheryl's clothes, his teeth gnashing. He'd managed to keep himself together, but if Sheryl had been a man, there was no doubt that he'd already beaten Sheryl up.

What held him back wasn't that he didn't want to beat up a woman though; it was just that he'd figured out a better way to punish Sheryl—even better than physical violence.

"Sheryl! Because of you, I lost the woman I love the most! You killed her! And I have always wanted to do whatever it takes to make you feel the same pain that I did! But this time, I'm going to be nice and give you an alternative. I can spare Charles's life if you promise to leave him forever," Ferry said icily. Suddenly, he pushed Sheryl, out of impatience. With a thud, Sheryl fell on the floor.

Sheryl was so enveloped in her own thoughts that she'd completely withdrawn from her surroundings. She trusted Charles but Ferry wasn't the easiest man to deal with. She wasn't even sure if Charles could go up against Ferry, and she didn't want to take the risk. Lest it get worse, she decided to accept his offer and leave Charles forever.

"I guess you don't know what it feels like to lose everything and be betrayed by everyone you know and love, your friends and even your family. I suffered all of that because of you. Now it's your turn! Have a taste of your own medicine!" Ferry said obnoxiously as he eyed Sheryl on the floor. His eyes were shining—proud of his notorious victory.

Sheryl felt like Ferry was torturing her. She could feel her heart twisting in pain. She could only do so much to defend herself against Ferry.

Ferry patiently waited in silence for Sheryl to respond.

Her relationship with Charles had hit a rocky patch ever since Leila showed up. She and Charles had been so distant and constantly fighting. Even then, she didn't want to leave Charles because she loved him and she was willing to fight for him.

However, she had no choice but to decide right then and there as the situation was urgent.

Soon, tears were falling down her cheeks but Sheryl didn't look distressed at all; in fact, she even looked calm.

In a cold tone, she responded, "Fine, I'll do as you say. I'll leave Charles but you have to keep your word. As long as I leave him, you have to leave him alone too. Stay away from him or else, I won't let you get away with anything!" Sheryl tried her best to make herself sound firm and strong.

Even Sheryl was surprised with herself when she had finished speaking. She didn't know where that side of her came from. She felt out of breath and she couldn't feel her heart beating.

"Ha! Sheryl, are you threatening me? Isn't that amusing?" Ferry burst into laughter—it sounded so shrill that it was almost sickening.

"Now that you got what you wanted, I demand you to let Nick go. Now!" Sheryl shouted as she pointed her finger at Ferry. She felt humiliated and furious. She struggled to pull herself back to her feet. Even though she was trembling and her lips seemed to be bluish in tinge, Sheryl tried to keep stable as she stared Ferry down.

"Are you to be yelling at me? Huh? How dare you yell at me! And you even have the nerve to get angry at me? For what? Don't forget! You're the one who took someone special from me!" Ferry spat back as he glared at Sheryl.

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"Phoebe, where is Sheryl?" Isla asked as she walked towards Phoebe and grabbed her hand. She looked pretty excited when she entered Sheryl's office but she was disappointed to find that she wasn't there.

'We said we'd go shopping today!

Even if I were late, that's still a plan! I didn't say we weren't going anymore. My god, where is she?'

Phoebe had just come back from the tea room. She was a little taken aback by Isla being so friendly to her. With a smile, she replied, "Ms. Zhao, Sheryl wasn't feeling well today. She did leave something for you, though. It's on her desk!"

Phoebe couldn't help but feel concerned about Sheryl. Even though she didn't know what was going on with her, she had this nagging feeling that Sheryl needed her help.

Isla didn't think too much about it. She just did what Phoebe said. She turned and walked towards Sheryl's desk.

As she looked through Sheryl's desk, she eventually found a note.

Isla was left feeling confused so she decided to check her phone to see if Sheryl had left her a message. She took her phone out from her pocket and found several calls. A bit taken aback, she didn't know that Sheryl had been contacting her all this time.


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