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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1570

Sheryl turned her head away. She didn't want to waste another second talking to a monster like Ferry.

Now that it was clear to her that he had taken everything for granted, she was better not to waste her breath to explain herself to him. All she could do was wait and see what he would say or do next.

"I've agreed to divorce Charles just as you wanted. What else do you want from me? My life? Take it. I believe it'll be as easy as killing an ant!" Sheryl countered. After all, she was alone here with him. If he wanted to kill her, she firmly believed that no one would come to help her even if she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Are you threatening me? Would you rather die than divorce your dear husband?" Ferry stopped in front of Sheryl and raised her chin to make her look at him.

Sheryl took a deep breath, clenching her fists tight.

"I bet you have other plans with my life, right?" Sheryl fashioned her words to extract more information from him. After all, she had two kids to take care of and she would never risk her life like that.

"You're right. I won't go to the trouble of killing you since you've promised me that you'll get divorced. But I also like feisty women…" Ferry ran his invasive eyes all over her with a triumphant, mischievous smile. Eventually, he fixated on Sheryl's breasts and moved in closer.

Frightened by the look in his eyes, Sheryl pushed him away with all her strength, surprising not only Ferry but also herself.

"Leave me alone!" she shouted and moved back. Sheryl could never let this happen and she would rather die than sleep with this man. The resentment in her eyes was firm and unwavering.

However, this was completely lost on Ferry as he found himself completely aroused by Sheryl's bravery. He pushed her down on the couch and sprang on top of her in the blink of an eye. He realized he had been wasting his time for no reason, but now that he had her under him, he was going to make sure he enjoyed every second of it.

"Ferry, what are you doing? Stop this right now! Let me go!" Sheryl struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Sheryl kept kicking and screaming, flailing her hands about like a hurricane. She screamed for help until her voice became hoarse and she started to lose hope of ever getting out of the clutches of this filthy man.

All of a sudden, Ferry tightened his grip around both of her hands and started ripping her buttons off.

Bang! The abrupt and unexpected loud noise sent a shock in the ears of both Sheryl and Ferry, who turned towards the direction of the noise almost immediately, only to find that Isla had broken into the room after kicking the door open.

"Get away from her right now if you want what's best for you! Do it! I've already called the police. If you want to run away, this is your only chance!" Isla warned Ferry as she bristled with rage at the sight of him. Thanking their lucky stars for both of their sakes, Isla was glad that she decided to show up here. Otherwise, she would have had to live with the guilt for the rest of her life if Sheryl had been raped by this deplorable man.

Isla looked around to find something she could use to stave off Ferry as she walked forward. She cursed at Ferry in her head, wishing to tear him into pieces, but she had to restrain herself until she could guarantee Sheryl's safety.

Petrified, Ferry stepped away from Sheryl as soon as Isla walked in. He didn't fancy being watched by someone else in bed, and besides, the moment was already ruined. He straightened his collar and composed himself before he stood away from Sheryl. "Are you kidding me? You called the police?" he sneered, looking into Isla's eyes with a ridiculous smile.

"I just told you the truth." Isla took this chance to run to Sheryl and hold her in her arms.

Sheryl quickly fixed her unbuttoned clothes, trembling like the leaves in an autumn breeze.

Ferry let out a loud laugh and asked, "You must be out of your mind, ma'am. Don't you know that the police will do anything I ask them to? I thought you would have figured that out after I kept Nick and Cassie inside. Don't waste your time and energy on things like that again!"

Ferry carried himself in an arrogant fashion which drove Isla up the wall as she fought the urge to punch him in the face.

However, she willed herself to be patient, even though she knew that Ferry might have been telling the truth.

She was baffled by how such a harrowing thing could happen to another person in broad daylight. This man was no better than a savage beast.

He was nothing but a bloodthirsty monster. What he had done or would do was beyond the imagination of any normal human being.

Isla was convinced that she and Sheryl weren't going to make it out of this untouched. She expressed her annoyance with herself for not bringing a knife. At least then she would have a fighting chance.

The story of Ferry's life was one that was marred with knives. The things he did for a living would scare any law abiding citizen out of their wits. Every single crime he committed would put him in prison for at least ten years, but here he was standing in front of them, alive and kicking. It was easy to tell just by the way he stood that he had the power and influence to save himself from any situation.

Isla felt her throat tingling. As far as she knew, Ferry seemed like he was involved in every crime she could think of, such as dealing drugs, murder and kidnapping. Isla would end up hurting her head if she even tried to imagine the depths of his cruelty.

Isla's breath quickened as she remembered a scene she had watched on TV, and that was all she knew.

"Are you scared? It's too late for you now." Ferry's sarcastic voice violated her ears. It seemed as though Isla was no better than an ant in his eyes.

Ferry playfully stepped closer to them with a contemptuous smile on his face. Suddenly, he paused as his phone started ringing.


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