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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1571

It took quite a while before Isla could bring herself to comfort Aron.

"I should really get back to work now." With that, Aron headed back to the company.

After seeing him off, Isla sighed in relief, "He's so dramatic!"

"Well, so are you! You shouldn't have even gone there in the first place," Sheryl said, disappointment evident in her tone.

"But I saved you, Sheryl! Give me a little credit, won't you?" Using a mock-angry tone, Isla raised her voice a little.

It seemed her little act worked, as Sheryl immediately apologized and comforted her friend.

The two didn't head back to the office until Isla's anger totally dissipated.

Since she went back to work, Sheryl had been pretty well lost in thought. After having a muddled mind about it, she decided to give Charles a call.

Although she no longer had any faith in him, she wouldn't shed a tear until she saw the coffin. As long as she had yet to call him and ask him directly, Sheryl still held some hope deep down.

With a sigh, she pulled out her phone and dialed the number.

The ringing seemed to go on forever. With every ring, she grew more and more certain that he wouldn't answer her call, like usual. Just as she was about to hang up, though, he picked up the call.

"Hello, Sher?" His voice sounded tired on the other end of the line.

Hearing the familiar sound made Sheryl's heart tighten. Pursing her lips, she forced herself to ask, "I've been calling you. Why haven't you been answering me?"

"I'm sorry, Sher. I've been attending to meetings abroad the past few days. I always put my phone on silent for those, so I missed your calls," he explained calmly.

Sheryl, of course, knew it was merely an excuse.

If he really meant to talk to her at all, how come he never called her back when he was free?

With a cold smile, Sheryl felt the little hope she had for Charles fade away entirely.

Ferry's threats weren't serious enough to freak her out. In fact, she could easily discuss the problem with Charles to find a plausible solution. But his indifferent attitude was too disheartening. Sheryl decided to give up.

For one, Sheryl didn't want Ferry to come after Charles. And for another, she didn't want to have any connection with a man who cared nothing for her.

"It's fine. You're free to decide whose calls you answer and whose you ignore."

"Sher, please don't say that," Charles pleaded, sounding anxious. Even on his end of the line, he could hear the anger and disappointment in Sheryl's voice.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. I don't want to listen. I just need to know when you'll be back." Turning more indifferent herself, Sheryl interrupted him coldly.

Her tone was rather upsetting, and Charles felt dejected. "I'll be back in two days. Let's meet up once I get back!"

"Sure." Without another word, Sheryl hung up on him, ridding him of any chance to say more.

Charles sighed deeply at the dial tone, indicating that she was gone.


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