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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1606

Sheryl's words reminded Isla of something. She hadn't realized how wrong she had been until just then. She realized that she was really such an idiot to have called Lewis without any consideration.

If anyone wanted to defame Sheryl, they could now make up a story from the situation. Isla felt intense regret for what she had done.

"Sher, it's all my fault. I'm so sorry," Isla apologized to Sheryl immediately.

At that very moment, Cassie pushed the door open in a rush and panted, "Sher, Mr. Lu has been sent to the operating room again!"

"What did you just say?" Sheryl asked as she sprang up from her bed.

Isla also started to worry when she heard what Cassie said. 'Didn't he just finish with his first operation just a little while ago? What's going on now?' she wondered.

Before Cassie could respond, Sheryl got out of her bed and rushed with haste to the operating room.

Isla immediately followed Sheryl out because she was worried about her.

They arrived at the operating room shortly after that.

The light was on, which meant that the operation was in progress. Sheryl looked at it anxiously and asked Cassie, "What's wrong with him?"

Unable to answer, Cassie regretfully shook her head. She didn't know anything either. She had passed by Charles' room moments ago, but she had only seen that he was sent to the operating room again. After she saw that, she had come straight to Sheryl's room to inform her of the incident.

Sheryl looked around, but surprisingly, she didn't see Melissa or Leila.

"Nobody was with Charles when they took him?" Sheryl asked Cassie in confusion.

Cassie shook her head again. She had been in such a rush that she didn't have time to even wonder where Melissa and Leila were.

Sheryl felt so scared for Charles. He had just finished an operation. How could they have left him alone?

Suddenly, a nurse came out from the operating room. She came to Sheryl and asked, "Are you a member of the patient's family?"

"I'm his wife," Sheryl answered firmly. She felt like her body was filled with strength now. She knew she must be strong in that moment.

"The patient developed a postoperative infection, so he needs a second operation. Please sign here," the nurse said. This was the second time that Sheryl needed to sign that sort of paper.

As soon as she read the word Disclaimer, her heart plummeted. She wondered if it was yet another life-and-death moment for Charles.

Sheryl signed the paper in a hurry. After she was done, she wanted to ask the nurse for more information, but the nurse left quickly without giving her any chance to talk.

"Cassie! Why are you idling around here? Replace the infusion for the patient in Room 7, now!" a voice called out to Cassie abruptly.

The speaker turned out to be the head nurse of that floor. She had been looking for Cassie for a while. When she found out that Cassie was loafing on the job, she couldn't help but get angry at her.

Cassie was startled. She turned to the head nurse and answered immediately, "Yes. I'm on it!"

"Just go ahead. I'll stay here with Sher," Isla said and she waved for Cassie to go. Then she moved to stand by Sheryl's side.

Cassie also knew that she must carry out her duty first. She nodded to Isla and said, "All right. Isla, I'm leaving now. If you have any problems, just call me."

"Okay. Bye!"

After Cassie had left, the corridor outside the operating room became extremely quiet. Nobody was there except Isla and Sheryl. Isla didn't dare to say anything because she didn't want to remind Sheryl of any unnecessary worries.


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