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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1607

Sheryl raised her head with much difficulty and looked into the nurse's eyes with a solemn expression. It felt as if everything around her was spinning. She then shut her eyes tightly. A few moments later, she murmured, mostly to herself, "Right. I need to take care of myself. Charles may need me. He will be mad if he catches me like this. I have to hold on. I won't lose heart!" She nodded at the nurse and put on a determining look.

"That's the Sheryl I know. Come on! Let's go back and get some rest." Isla felt her heart settle in her chest and heaved a sigh of relief before walking Sheryl back to her ward.

Somehow the nurse's words had comforted Sheryl and gave her some hope. In a matter of a few minutes, she fell into a deep slumber, breathing evenly.

Isla took a chair and sat beside Sheryl's bed, gazing down at her best friend. Sheryl looked like a carefree angel in her sleep. But Isla knew it was an absolute contrast to what Sheryl's life was like in reality. She sighed and hated that Sheryl had to go through all of this.

However, Isla had hardly enjoyed this momentary peace than she heard some noise coming from outside. Gradually it was becoming louder and louder. Isla frowned as she speculated who could possibly be so mindless to make such a commotion inside a hospital. She cast a quick glance at Sheryl, who seemed absolutely unaware of the noise, before tiptoeing out of the room, avoiding making any noise that could wake Sheryl up.

The moment she stepped out of Sheryl's ward, she spotted Melissa and Leila standing to one side and shouting at the top of their voices. Isla frowned deeply and donned a firm, yet cool expression on her face as she approached them.

"Where is Sheryl? I need to talk to her now!" Melissa yelled at the very first sight she got of Isla.

By now, Isla had become used to with her arrogance. She maintained her calmness as she took her time to move closer to them and replied with an ironic smile, "I'm afraid you have to talk to me first. Sheryl is unwell and besides, she has nothing to say to you."

"Don't you know what she has done?" Melissa sneered.

Isla was a little taken aback, wondering what Melissa was talking about. She stopped a few steps away from them and said curtly, "I don't think Sheryl is in a condition to do anything now. Please, lower your voice and behave yourself. This is a hospital, not the living room of your house! I'll call the security if you keep making such a noise."

Isla had always found Melissa's attitude intolerable. And especially now that both Sheryl and Charles had ended up in the hospital, she found it difficult to even bear the sight of the woman.

As Charles' mother and a senior lady of her age, she should have been more sophisticated. But she behaved as if she was a housewife in her pajamas bargaining at the vegetable market. Sometimes, Isla even felt sorry for her, but it seemed Melissa was completely ambivalent toward the impression she created with other people.

Isla couldn't help running her eyes over Melissa repeatedly. Melissa could have been more dignified if only she paid a little attention to her words and actions.

The woman was wrong in every aspect and lacked the bearing of an affluent old lady. If there was something about Melissa which could have aroused a little attention from other people, it had to be her delicate face, which was nothing other than a gift she had gotten at birth.

"Leila and I had left Charles alone for just a little while, and the nurse told us that he's suffering intracranial hemorrhage. Everything was alright when we left. You tell me whom I should blame for that development except for Sheryl!" Melissa came directly to the point.

Isla cracked another ironic smile and said, "Are you kidding? It is your son who lies inside the room. Melissa, you need to blame yourself for not looking after him well enough. Sheryl is also unwell, and what happened to Charles has nothing to do with her."

"Nothing to do with Sheryl? She's Charles' wife, the only person who is allowed to visit him. Don't ever try to pull the wool over my eyes!" Melissa started attributing all the problems to Sheryl as she always did.

Isla then let out a loud laugh and contradicted, "Now you remember that Sheryl is your son's wife! Then can you tell me who the woman next to you is? And why does she follow you everywhere you go? As Sheryl's mother-in-law, are you really supposed to be with the other woman who is trying to come in between them? Tell me, Melissa! Huh, maybe you're older, but if you fail to behave like an elder, I can tell you how to do it?"

Isla's quick mind and tongue rendered Melissa speechless. Facts speak louder than words. She couldn't deny the truth.

At the same time, Leila's face also turned blue.

She sighed inwardly, wondering why Melissa could not do one thing right without embarrassing herself. She hated Melissa for being that mindless. However, the one valid point that she missed here was that the biggest and the most glaring example of Melissa being mindless was that she took Leila as her ally.

Leila set her disappointment aside and came up with an idea to get both of them out of here.

She bit her lower lip and clutched her hands before stepping forward to confront Isla.

On the other side, Isla crossed her arms in front of her chest, narrowing her eyes on Leila and waiting to see what she would say. But Isla changed her mind in one split second and said, shaking her head, "Stay away from me. People always say that a vixen stinks, and by now, I believe that they're right. I don't want to get any of it on me."

Isla was quite good at irritating people with her sharp tongue and quick mind.


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