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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1612

Tom's face had become dark and cloudy. Although his lips were curved in an apparently gentle smile, Bernard could see clearly through him.

People's expressions were always deemed as a reflection of their feelings. But he had never bothered about that before. He always thought that was bullshit. As a hit-man, he was expected to be emotionless, and that was his protective cover. But now, he had to admit that it was true.

"Tom, I'll do exactly what you've asked me to do. Please, give me some time," Bernard answered with strong determination as he looked into Tom's eyes, hoping that he wouldn't have a falling out with him. Bernard was worried that things would become more complicated if Tom pushed him harder.

Hiding a dagger behind his smile, Tom remained silent. Then after a while, he said slowly, "You know that I'm in no rush, but my patience has its limits. We both know how precious Rachel's life is for you. Take your time."

Tom's words sounded like it came from a storybook, no pushing and no threatening, but it was evil enough to make Bernard's hair stand on end. He could feel his heart sinking down a bottomless hole.

Bernard knew that Tom was serious. He had to get rid of Ferry as soon as possible.

"I'd better go. So long and take care." As if he was done visiting with an old friend for a quick chat, Tom turned around and immediately walked away.

The sun had already set in the west. Bernard shuddered as he felt the chilly breeze on his face, bringing him back to reality.

Tom had long gone, but Bernard could still see his dark and brooding face, and the image took up residence in his mind. Being occupied by thoughts on what he should do next, Bernard failed to realize how quickly time passed by.

Looking up at the staircase, he knew that the woman he loved was in his bedroom upstairs. Taking a deep breath, Bernard put his thoughts aside and ascended the stairs.

Pushing the door lightly, he quietly walked towards the bed. He lay down on it lightly, trying his best not to wake Rachel up. Looking at Rachel, who was sleeping peacefully beside him, he felt a sudden warmth in his heart. Reaching out his hand, he gently touched her cheek and then leaned down to kiss her forehead. The contact between his lips and her forehead gave him a sense of security, filling his heart with joy. Closing his eyes, Bernard finally fell into slumber.

The following days, Bernard went out early in the morning and returned late at night. Rachel was still in her dreams when he left and had fallen asleep when he returned. As much as she was curious about what he was up to, Rachel didn't dare to ask him due to the special nature of his work. She believed that Bernard would tell her when he felt it was necessary.

"Rachel, I'm going out to work tonight. It's no big deal, and I'll be back as soon as possible." Bernard didn't tell Rachel where he was headed to. Giving her a big hug, he bid her goodnight and left with the tools of his trade.

When Rachel reached the conclusion that he might be working on an assassin's mission, Bernard had long gone. Crossing her hands nervously, she prayed that nothing would go wrong and that her man would come back unscathed.

It would be a sleepless night for both Rachel and Bernard. Rachel had even noticed the bloodthirsty expression in Bernard's eyes. Remembering that he took the black bag with him, Rachel realized that his target would be hard to deal with. Her heart suddenly skipped a beat as Ferry popped up in her mind, causing her to tremble all over.

It was a clear night. The moon was hanging low in the sky, shining its bright light. At the outskirts of town, a shadowy figure climbed over the wall and swiftly crept into a villa like a ghost.

The villa was Ferry's secret safe house. Leaning against a cabinet in the living room with a wine glass in his hand, he browsed through the photos in his phone's gallery. Taking a sip of his wine, he smiled as he looked at a photo of him together with Holley. He was satisfied with Holley's hard work in bed, and she had just left the house a moment ago. Still soaked with the sweat of her entertainment, he murmured, "Oh, you will never know, Holley, but both you and Sheryl will have to die."

He hated these two women, and wouldn't spare Holley's life just because she had slept with him a couple of times. Licking his lips, he cracked a meaningful smile.

While Ferry was enjoying his night, Bernard was occupied with his mission. All he had learned about Ferry was that he led an underground gang. Tom had only provided him with limited information, and truth be told, that he had found Ferry's house in order to break into it was already a miracle.

"Someone is breaking in, boss!" one of Ferry's henchmen hurried in and reported. This was obviously something they didn't expect and might cost them their lives if their boss blamed them for their negligence.

However, Ferry seemingly ignored him. Turning the wine glass in his hand, he seemed to be taking pleasure in its rich color.

Holding his breath and lowering his head to look at the floor, the henchman dared not interrupt his boss again.

After a long moment of silence, Ferry finally noticed the other presence in the room. Raising his dark eyes, he acknowledged his henchman's presence. "This is not a place where people come and go freely, Juan."

"What? I didn't quite catch you, boss?" Juan asked, feeling the sweat now dripping down his back.


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