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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1613

That night, Sheryl wanted to visit Charles, but Cassie stopped her.

"Sher, both Melissa, and Leila are there with him right now. If you go in there, they will surely seize this opportunity to harass you. I have a better plan. How about you go back first? I'll keep an eye on Mr. Lu. If anything happens, I'll let you know as soon as possible," Cassie said softly. Cassie didn't dare to speak loudly, for Sheryl's face was a picture of raw sadness. She was afraid that even the slightest move might scare her.

Even though Sheryl was quiet, Cassie could tell from her sad eyes that she might suffer a breakdown any minute now.

Sheryl didn't answer her. Instead, she stared at Cassie numbly as if she didn't understand a word she had said. After a while, she nodded and said, "All right. Please, keep me updated, no matter what happens!"

Sheryl reached out and grasped Cassie's hand, pleading for her promise.

Cassie wrapped her hands around Sheryl's hand and said solemnly, "Sher, you can rest assured. I know how much Mr. Lu means to you. I promise I'll update you if anything changes."

Cassie's sincerity convinced Sheryl, and she decided to leave.

There was a part of Sheryl that wanted so badly to see Charles. But deep down, she knew that she had no other choice but to follow Cassie's advice. If Melissa happened to see her, she wouldn't let her go so easily. It was also possible that Melissa would make trouble for her yet again. The problem was Sheryl had no strength to deal with any dramas at the moment. Moreover, the mere thought of listening to Melissa's usual stream of accusations made her sick.

After Sheryl had left, Cassie walked to Charles' ICU room. She avoided meeting Melissa and Leila and went to see Charles' doctor instead.

"Excuse me, Doctor Chen. Could you please tell me how your patient Charles Lu is doing?" Cassie asked politely. Even though she had confidently assured Sheryl that Charles was fine, truth be told, she wasn't sure of that either. After all, there had been no sign from his doctor to indicate that Charles was going to wake up any time soon. Whether or not the congestion could be drained also remained a mystery. So Cassie didn't feel as at ease as she had pretended with Sheryl.

The doctor took off his glasses and sighed before he spoke. "Cassie, if it wasn't for the blood congestion in his head, Mr.Lu would be fine. If we could remove all of the congestion, he would most likely make a full recovery. For now, every moment is critical, so we all need to be cautious and hope for the best..."

Although Doctor Chen wasn't in a position to give her any new news, somehow, his words convinced Cassie that Charles had a good chance of recovering soon. If there were any other complications affecting Charles, Doctor Chen would surely not keep it from them.

'That's kind of good news, ' Cassie thought to comfort herself. After she left Doctor Chen's office, she saw Leila furtively sneaking up to the rooftop. Cassie had never liked Leila, so she couldn't help feeling suspicious about Leila's behavior. 'Is Leila trying to hide something from Melissa?' she thought skeptically.

There was something very mysterious about Leila's whole demeanor. Wanting to know what she was up to, Cassie decided to follow her.

Cassie walked quietly so that Leila wouldn't realize someone was following her.

After she reached the roof, Leila took out her cellphone and dialed a number and then waited impatiently.

Cassie hid very close to Leila, so she could hear every word that Leila was speaking. Fortunately for her, Leila was yelling at the top of her voice, believing that no own was around.

Leila didn't even bother to check if the area was clear.

"Holley, what the hell are you doing? I kept ringing you yesterday, but you didn't have the decency to answer my calls! And today, once again you dared to ignore me! Are you trying to hide from me forever?" Leila snapped in great fury.

Cassie was shocked to see Leila in such a furious state. For a moment, she was stunned, unable to decipher what was happening. After composing herself, she tried to make sense of the situation. She tried to hear what the person on the other end of the call was saying. But her efforts went in vain. She couldn't catch a word. What she could hear was Leila asking the person on the other end of the call to act quickly.

"I'm telling you, I'm only one step away from my goal. If you don't want me to fail, make sure that Sheryl stays away from Charles's life forever! Otherwise, I will make a point of it that you won't get what you want, either!" Leila threatened, gritting her teeth.


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