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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1619

Sheryl put on a forced smile. She knew that if Phoebe wasn't here, the company would've imploded long ago.

As she thought of this, she stood up and walked towards Phoebe. She held Phoebe's hand warmly and said sincerely, "Phoebe, thank you so much for everything you've done, especially over these past few days. I have to stay with Charles in the hospital until he wakes up."

"Ms. Xia, don't worry, I'll handle everything. Just relax and focus on taking care of Mr. Lu. Alan's here anyway, and I'll try my best to support her. We won't allow anything to go wrong here, okay? Don't worry," Phoebe responded in a firm voice.

Sheryl felt greatly relieved and nodded.

Afterwards, Phoebe gave her an update about what had recently been happening in the company. Since Sheryl didn't have any comments, Phoebe left.

Sheryl looked at the empty office. She'd never thought before that her office was big, but today, in particular, she felt that it was too big for her and she didn't want to stay in it all alone.

After a while, Sheryl decided to leave the office because she didn't want to stay there any longer. Even though she didn't spend a lot of time with Charles here, she still didn't want to stay in a place that reminded her of him.

As soon as she left the office, she heard a whistling sound. She turned in the direction of the sound and saw Lewis.

Sheryl was confused. 'I thought he had left? Why is he still here?'

Lewis saw that Sheryl had seen him, so he got out of the car. He walked over to her, smiling rather awkwardly. "Sheryl, why don't we grab a bite together? My treat."

Sheryl looked at Lewis blankly with incomprehension.

Sheryl didn't know what to feel when she saw Lewis earlier today in the hospital. However, she wasn't able to speak with him because of Melissa. Now that she bumped into him again, she needed to clear the air between them.

"Mr. Xu, there's substantial gossip going around about us, so I don't think it would be for the best if we were to have a meal together, so..." Sheryl chose her words carefully because she didn't want to be harsh and break Lewis's heart.

She knew that Lewis was a nice man, but, considering her status, she couldn't entertain him.

"I know, but I worry about you, and; I heard that Charles is still in the hospital. What would he do, if he finds out, that you got sick because you weren't eating right?" Lewis said firmly.

Sheryl just smiled and nodded. "I know, I know. Mr. Xu, please, don't worry about me. I won't get sick. I'm pretty healthy, but I need to take care of Charles too."

Sheryl responded well by reminding him that she was married. She just wanted him to give up because she didn't know what to say anymore.

"All right then well that's good to hear. So where are you headed now? I can give you a ride. We're friends after all. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Do you think people will spread rumors about me giving you a ride?" Lewis often did this. He was sneaky that way. He hadn't admitted anything to Sheryl so she couldn't reject him, right? Especially when they were in public.

Sheryl hesitated. However, she didn't have her car with her, and she was just going to get a cab, so what was the difference if she got the ride from Lewis? She nodded in agreement.

;Lewis smiled upon seeing this; however, it was gone as soon as it came. Sheryl was oblivious as usual.

When Sheryl finally got inside the car, Lewis was nervous that it would be awkward. He fumbled, around looking for something to say. "How did Charles get in an accident?"

Lewis wanted to beat himself up as soon as he said this. He could've asked anything else, but he just had to ask that. He just couldn't settle for a simple conversation starter, such as 'How are you doing?'

"You don't need to answer my question if you don't want to," Lewis quickly said before Sheryl could even respond.


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