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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1620

Too angry to contain her feelings, Melissa had lost her temper and kept grumbling about things. Standing to the side, Leila was confused, but she still tried to remain patient and closely listen to Melissa's complaints.

Having a general understanding of where Melissa's anger came from, Leila silently held her hand and gave her a gentle nudge on the shoulder. With a sympathetic look, Leila said, "Auntie, don't be so angry! It's bad for your health! We can't let Sheryl have her way!"

Leila's words brought some relief and reflection to Melissa. At once, Melissa stopped crying and raised her eyes toward Leila. She agreed with her but still felt very resentful. She spoke angrily, saying, "Leila, you don't know how that bitch has humiliated me with her new boyfriend! I am so pissed off!"

"Auntie, take it easy! Are you talking about when Sheryl and Lewis were in the hospital earlier?" Leila asked, and her eyebrows creased. Leila had tensed up when she heard what Melissa had said.

"It's more than that! That bastard even dared to treat me with violence. How can I just calm down?" Melissa yelled in rage. She was so emotional that her voice trembled.

Leila helped Melissa sit down in one of the chairs before speaking again. "Auntie, don't you see? Now Sheryl even has the nerve to find new love while Charles is still in a coma. Isn't it clear that she has lost her love for Charles! Besides, I see it as evidence that we can use against Sheryl."

Dumbstruck by Leila's idea, Melissa thought about it for a while, before nodding her head in agreement.

She asked, with curiosity twinkling in her eyes, "Leila, what do you think we should do next?"

Leila touched her chin as she thought deeply. Then she answered calmly, "Why don't we post what happened when you saw Sheryl today on the internet? It will be big news!"

"Good idea! I'm sure that it will work! Leila, I entrust you with this task! You will make it happen no matter what, right?" Melissa admired Leila's brilliance, and she was inclined to trust in her capability. Therefore, she put all her hopes on Leila.

Leila couldn't be more delighted. In her eyes, earning Melissa's trust could tighten the alliance between them. Nodding her head eagerly, Leila replied, "Rest assured! Sheryl's happiness won't last too long! She is going to suffer for what she has done! Her marriage with Charles will soon be over!"

Leila stared at Melissa with a firm look. The anger and sullenness in Melissa's mind were all dispelled the moment she looked into Leila's eyes.

Then she averted her attention to the tiny bruises all over her body. In fact, the bruises didn't really hurt at all, but after the conversation with Leila, Melissa thought that she should take advantage of that. She would use it as leverage to put more weight of blame on Sheryl. She decided to go to the doctor and get a medical certificate about her injuries.

Melissa pretended to be weak and constantly uttered faked coughs and grumbled about her pains on the way to the consulting room. She made it look as if she was badly wounded.

After a brief check, the doctor on duty didn't take her injuries seriously. In her eyes, there were only scratches and bruises, and Melissa didn't require further treatment.

After merely being advised to be more careful following an inspection of her small injuries and bruises, Melissa was displeased. With a glare, she pointed her finger at the young woman and shouted, "Is this how you do your job? I really question your professional ability! How can you say that they're 'only scratches and bruises'? How can you tell that there are no deeper injuries underneath the wounds, huh? I demand further inspection!"

Melissa didn't hold back her crankiness and pushed the young doctor into a rage. The doctor lost her temper at that moment.

She recognized that Melissa was causing a fuss on purpose. Running out of patience, she advised her in a cold tone, saying, "Why don't you go in for a CT scan, if you don't trust my expertise?"

Without a word, the doctor wrote Melissa a recommendation on her doctor's pad and suggested that she go to the CT room.

"This is how you deal with your patients? Where is your bedside manner? 'Go for a CT scan'-really!? How did you come up with that advice?" Melissa was infuriated by her indifference.

What she didn't know, was that the rage in the young lady's heart was even more fierce than her own!

On the verge of losing her temper, the doctor slammed the pen in her hand onto the table. She raised her head as she tried to keep a calm face. Then she questioned, "Then what do you suggest that I do to help you?"

"What the hell…what do you mean by that? Who is the doctor here, you or me? Aren't you supposed to know how to provide the best form of treatment to your patients? How you dare talk to me like that!? Aren't you worried that I will lodge a complaint against you?"

Anger had accumulated in abundance in her chest. Melissa had suffered violent conduct from Lewis, and now even the young doctor didn't show respect to her. Her resentment rose sharply when the doctor decided to ignore her feelings as a patient.


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